Nope it wasn't a mistake creating the folder. As I've been told here before, the only mistake, is not believing in yourself. I struggle with that one at times. So ya, your doing great Rui!
Don't listen to people gatekeeping genuine criticism.
I think Zorin is better than most linux operating systems in these regards. Some of these have explanations or are induvidual to your case.
I think the most troubling issue right now is that linux OSes even if they are supposed to be similar to windows and mac are different and makes it kind of a drag to get into.
Like, there is no good reason that you should be wasting 6 hours installing and setting up Zorin. And I don't mean that's Zorin's fault, any linux user would have everything pretty much set up in less than an halfhour I feel, or at the most an hour depending on the internett.
But again, that's not really your fault either. It is the problem with a different operating system paradigm. The same would happen with Mac. And the fault may be our massive dependence on having one OS that everyone uses and then not being adaptive.
But I say, stick around. Get to know Linux, maybe jump to a lot of linux distros to see what options you have available.
Personally I feel Zorin OS is the best we have right now, and that in time it will only get better.
Curiously OP never showed up after posing this criticism/opinion/feedback and spent only 2 minutes on this site. Based on this observation, I could safely say that (s)he is not interested to read our replies.
But they were all too happy to use strong words in their post like, "HOW DARE YOU." The OP got their 15-minutes of fame. But I was the one who had the last laugh, as my post delivered it right back at his face.
The difference is, what I said was funny, what he said was not. He could have easily made his points across without sounding like a spoiled little rich boy. You get what you give in life. So, frankly, I am glad he's not around.
Because if that is the way he chooses to act all the time, we don't need his kind here. I just see him as another toxic user, like the bully in the school yard.
But to use a Star Trek term, my shields are up...
I immediately smelt the Troll when I saw this expression.
Normal people would refrain from such aggressive wording since we know how counter productive that could be.
So this is a little troll coming here and trying doing a stir. What a pity.
Well for me this subject can be closed because not help us and a man who created not exist here anymore and no logged after that topic. Wright? For me this topic is boring this is disscussion to nowhere.
What we have witnessed is so-called an act of "drive-by framing".
It is practised by a people with a similar mentality of those drive-by shooters. Fortunately, no one get killed nor injured from such unprovoked attack in the virtual realm.
Since O.P. is no longer with us and does not seem to read our replies, I will close this thread at this point.
Auracle (or other members)
If you want to this thread re-open, please notify.