How to change color of XFCE Panel Icons & Text

I see. I just think that those round corners by default might be because of what programming language used in the creation of it. Not all have the capacity to create a smooth corners. In Javascript, in order to create smooth corners, a lot of coordinates will be coded, unlike in CSS. This kind of detailing is something. Well, that's only the point why I do ask. Thanks for the reply.


It's not. When one of the Zorins created that image, they merely cut it neatly without any transparency in the raster image. I do not know which editor they used - I will use GIMP...
The fix is to create a rectanglular image that matches to current image of the corner, then cut the rounded corner, using transparency in raster - which will leave semi-opaque edges that appear more smooth once applied in the theme.
I have done both methods myself in making themes - trying to figure out which is better.
So some of my themes have clean and sharp cuts and some don't.

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I don't remember windows design coming from an image. Its always created by a programming language (unless modern technology made desktop or UI/UX interface like website than can be design with images fully) but even you can design it with images, that box is created with programming language. That's a sure of it. If you replace it with an image, that will be chaotic in coding.

The dialog box there, if you look closely have the same round corner of the one we are discussing: note that the sample is XFCE.

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XFCE 4.16 has changed over to using CSD in their native applications, instead of the Window Manager, to great disgust, not fanfare.
So, in XFCE 4.16 (Not in any version prior) which is also what is used on Zorin 16 Lite, Some Apps on XFCE will be CSD with the borders governed by the .css and most apps (or all the rest) will be governed by the Window Manager which uses the XFWM4 images, not the .css.

As I make themes... it necessary that I know how to.

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I have only returned provisionally, for the reasons of friendship. Having said that, I have recently become aware of the situation with a member here. I too have had problems with said member, and it involved falling out of friendship over it.

I have done some reading, and I can see where the problem is. The issue is perspective and understanding, and in this case, a lack of both.

While it is my personal opinion, that I too prefer perfectly rounded edges on Windows, I however am not arrogant, nor presumptuous, to believe that everybody else should, just because I do.

Some people prefer the retro pixilated look of text fonts. And the OP, probably prefers the retro pixilated rounded look of Window borders, that is their choice, and not up to us to decide weather that is right or wrong.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all see beauty differently from each other. Its not our job to put a persons preference down, because its in our personal opinion that its bad. Everybody has their own preference, and sees beauty in it.

If a man fell in love with a woman, and he said that she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, would you tell that man that she's ugly? No! Why? Cause its disrespectful and rude, and absolutely not necessary.

I might be wrong here, but I think tech support has overwhelmed said member as it did me, when I once flew the tech support flag. Its a tough job, its not easy, and eventually, it wears you down, and you begin saying some things you shouldn't.

I had to make the conscious decision to leave tech support to maintain my sanity. I hope that said member can find peace wherever they go, and find happiness and enlightenment as well.

And one last thing I will mention. We are going through a seriously rough time right now. I think our globes current situation is also getting to a lot of us. Sometimes its easy to lose site of the important things.


Please... Try being a Moderator. I have already made a very lengthy post in the moderator forum asking every one of them to either tear me a new one or lend some sanity.
Because that door stage left glowing in heavenly aura promising basking in glorious freedom is looking deliciously good.

This is a very apt example. Well said.

Part of the issue is that many users have voiced feedback that they prefer the sharp edges as seen in the screenshots above, calling it "clean."
Others disagree. They say it doesn't look "smooth." And here we see why these words are troublesome, vague and not very helpful.
In theming, a person can make a popular theme that many people like; but someone is going to hate it. You just cannot please everyone, yet everyone seems to think that they are supposed to be pleased.


LOL ..... yup I remember those days years ago when as I have served as both Mod and Admin (but never Tech Support) on various sites .... dealing with human nature and personalities is never easy

6 years ago I vowed never to except either position ever again .....

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I don't wanna try. I know myself how people will fear me if I do.


A Lot has happened in this Thread...
Still, getting back to Topic, @Aravisian Thanks again...I am now able to edit the Panel as I want, using your guidance as well as taking some help from ZorinOS-Lite Theme's Gtk3.0.css File...

Only I am unable to change the color of Status Tray Plugin icons such as that of Bluetooth...
I can change them successfully by changing their Color directly through the source SVG File...But is there a way that I can write the code in Gtk3.0.css file to change the Color of Status Tray Plugin Icons?

If there is any way then kindly let me know, and even if not then I will just edit the source SVG Files for those icons...

Thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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That should fall under the Status Notifier button:

#sn-button, #sn-button:selected {
   color: white

As far as I remember, I tried this as well and it didn't worked...
Might be I would have written something wrong. Will try again and Let you know...:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The ones I usually pay attention to:
#xfce4-notification-plugin, #xfce4-power-manager-plugin, #pulseaudio-button, #indicator-button, #sn-button, #showdesktop-button, #xfce4-clipman-plugin

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Your code again worked for Wi-Fi Icon but to no avail for Bluetooth icon...
But now, just leave it...
Whenever I'll need, I'll directly edit the SVG File of Bluetooth Icon....

Thanks :smiley:

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I will dig deeper, as this needs to be known, anyway.


Still digging? Or have you found something helpful?

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Sometimes, trying to find the right class is not so easy - and must be done with experiment and trial and error.


Sure. Even I'll try to find it... :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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