How to change the use of super key?

I don't want it to activate zorin menu or overview, I want to remap it to show all applications but i can't change it because it doesn't appear in shortcuts section, maybe because zorin os locked it under Zorin appearance settings.


Or just use Zorin Look and Appearance to change to grid which lists applications alphabetically.

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I think you can do this in gnome tweaks, but the easiest way would be to use the pre-built layout that does it. xmodmap will also allow you to remap the keys

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I know but i want it to be just super key.

There is no setting to change super key function in gnome tweaks or i couldn't find. For xmodmap that just remaps the key which is not what i need.

I guess there is no easy solution to this. Looks like i have to stick with super+a

Try this solution

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The extensions on that page are not supported on my gnome version but i found two useful ones that did the trick for me if anyone else is interested :
First change the super key to activities overview on zorin appearance
Next, this worked for me : Show Applications Instead Of Workspaces - GNOME Shell Extensions
(optional) You can install this one as well if you don't want to click ESC billion times to close the applications : ESCape Overview - GNOME Shell Extensions

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Awesome, the super key is pretty baked into gnome, its easier to change on other DE like xfce ~ but gnome is flashy and feature rich :slight_smile:

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