How to change Trashcan icons in Zorin 17.2 Pro

I am running Zorin 17.2 Pro and wish to change the system default trashcan to custom ones I have rendered in both PNG and SVG formats. From what I gather, there are two system icons (i.e. 'trashcan_empty' and 'trashcan_full').

I found these files in:

usr/share/icons/gnome/(various sizes)/places/


usr/share/icons/gnome/(various sizes)/status/

Can someone kindly direct me to the right 'various sizes' directory (e.g. 48x48; 256x256 etc) and the correct file format for these two files (e.g. PNG or SVG)?

I think @Storm is the right Person to help You here.

It really depend on where on the DE you want the replacement to be. When I make icon themes I set them scalable one-size-fits-all. The system prefer .svg over .png

The question is: in which directory do I place the two trashcan files and are they indeed 'trashcan_full' and 'trashcan_empty'?

For the desktop icon:


Note that you'd need to update all icons for all dimensions. 48x48, 32x32, etc.


See my neat arrangement.


You've missed one! E.P.A. (US Environment Protection Agency) computers. I watched an Al Jazeera documentary about illegal recycling of computer kit. An investigator found kit clearly labelled as E.P.A.!

My new Trash Bin


To use your custom trash icons just place PNG or SVG images in the appropriate directory. You should use the 48x48 icon images for typical viewing but switch to 256x256 for larger display sizes. So for the 'trashcan_empty' and 'trashcan_full' icons, look in the following directories:

Put your new empty trashcan icon file into /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/places/. Update the existing icon when you do this.
Rephrase the sentence by replacing the original full trashcan icon with a new custom file saved to /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/places. Keep your custom file name in the replacement slot.
You will find the higher resolution icons in the 256x256 folder located under the same 'places' directory.

Save your current icons as backups before you switch them over to test.

@zenzen had the correct solution.

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I'm actually curious if the taskbar scrolls horizontally once you have too many icons? Nice setup!