How to contact website admin?

I can't find any "contact us" button or link.

I read in another post to DM Azorin but I can't figure out how to DM on this forum either.

I lost my forum password as well as all information on what email I used to sign up when I reinstalled ZorinOS as the sole OS instead of dual boot so I made this new account.

"Profile - Tracy.11011011 - Zorin Forum" is my other account that I can no longer access.

You can DM @AZorin or @zorink by opening a new message in your account > Mail Icon, then entering in either or both of the above names. The @ I used above also directly alerts them to this thread.

The Contact Us is here: Scroll to the bottom.

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What mail icon?

On the upper right, you see your account Avatar - left click that, then scroll down to the Mail Icon.

None of those says mail when i mouse over it.

Screenshot from 2024-09-21 17-04-43

Oh... I guess since you have not exchanged any, yet.
Move to the left of your avatar and left click the Hamburger Icon. In the popover menu, toward the bottom, you should see Messages with a (+) sign button you can click to draft a new message.

Hmm, I have no Badges yet, maybe that's why?

I just created this account a few hours ago.

This may be why. Very new accounts must establish themselves before being entrusted with access to Privately contacting members (Spam or other prevention).

I have created a new DM for you and added the Administrators to the message.

Thank You.

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That was it, the basic badge kicked in and now the rest of the options show.

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