I would like to disable the Power Off popup window when I press the physical power-off button on my computer. How can I do that?
Can't say that this is something I've ever wanted to change, but I believe one of your better bets (outside the terminal) is to use dconf-editor
, and within there there should be an option for this under Power (through org->Gnome->something (sorry I'm at work lol)).
I'll be honest though, this option I'm referring to may no longer exist due to how Gnome loves to change things to make stuff like this harder and harder for people to change. I understand wanting to have this just in case, but if someone wants to disable it easily, they should be able to.
To the best of my knowledge, the option is removed in the later releases of Gnome. I could be wrong.
I think the gsetting should still work.
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power power-button-action 'shutdown'
I agree. Is a dumb decision. I mean, Zorin is making their own tweaks from the Ubuntu OS so that way will feel more like Windows OS. So Zorin devs, give me the option to shut down my PC with the physical button without popups like Windows does. Will ya?
Yea, it has been changed. I found a workaround where I could modify the code to my liking, which I am not going to do. The whole thing about using Zorin is to have a Windows OS experience on Linux. I am not messing with the core code. Thank you for trying. Appreciate it.
This is fine as your decisions reign on your build.
I tend to encourage others to take the leap - but your stated position is that you believe that this encourages Zorin OS, as a distro, to better emulate the familiar environment it seeks to give alternative to.
Given that, would you like this thread moved to Feedback forum where the ZorinGroup may review it?
Yes please. Move it to Feedback forum. Thank you
@AZorin @zorink, is it possible future releases of Zorin OS can include scripting to disable the superflous Power Down popup confirmation window when the computer owner presses the power button?
- Holding the power button down rather than just a press overrides the confirmation and force shuts down the computer.
- Pressing the power button, then releasing the button and controlling the mouse to click a dialog defeats purpose of hardware control as it replicates selecting
from the App Menu. - This behavior provides a familiar feel to Windows OS users / Former users.
As a further bullet point, even if I'm shutting down via software menus, it takes three clicks already (menu, power, power off..., confirm in modal). I chose it for a reason, went through three clicks in a process. I'd just like it to shut down, not set up a timer with a "no I really mean it" button.
I don't object to it as a default; someone out there probably will misclick when they wanted to suspend. I'm willing to accept the responsibility for my clicks, though, and I never suspend. (And if I miss and hit restart, well, I reach over and hit power before the POST finishes.)
I prefer to create a keyboard shortcut (example: Ctrl+Super+Delete) with a command:
shutdown -h now
systemctl poweroff
This was an intentional design decision. If the user (or their cat) accidentally taps the power button while there's some important unsaved work open, this dialog allows the user to cancel the shut down attempt before any potentially disastrous consequences. It could happen to the best of us even when we don't expect it, speaking from personal experience from my Windows days (long before switching to Linux and starting Zorin OS).
Nevertheless, this dialog will automatically time-out anyway after 60 seconds if the user still intends to shut down the computer without any further interaction. We believe is a reasonable trade-off.
However, if you still wish to shut down the computer immediately, the solution from @Hercules appears to provide a workable override for this behaviour.
I was not aware of this. (This is what happens when a person does not use Core regularly)
Can this timeout be adjusted?
I agree that is reasonable. I am an expert at clumsiness.
Confirmation dialogs annoy us until the lack of one does worse than annoy us.
Not at the moment, but it's something we can look into for the future.
There are two extra methods I've stumbled on that work.
To completely get rid of the prompt, apply the following within a Terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.SessionManager logout-prompt false
Alternatively, to keep the prompt but allow the PC to turn off with no prompt if the power button is physically pressed, create the needed /etc/acpi/events/power file using:
echo -e 'event=button/power\naction=/sbin/poweroff' | sudo tee /etc/acpi/events/power
sudo service acpid restart
I appreciate a timer on shut down in case I have forgotten to close something or decide "Oh, meant to do that task", or "Forgot to chase up that email". I also prefer Plasma's options which give you other alternatives with a 30 second countdown you have the option to change this to log out, restart, switch user, sleep, or cancel.
In your quoted command, is that \n meant to be a new line?
Yes correct, so it important the echo -e parameter is passed!
$ echo -e 'event=button/power\naction=/sbin/poweroff'
$ echo 'event=button/power\naction=/sbin/poweroff'
I never thought there would be a need for this pop-up not to appear, but I love the fact that we could crowdsource a solution!
By the way, @hercules, what's the difference between shutdown -h now
and systemctl poweroff