How to do drivers for dynamic graphics

Synaptic Package Manager is the easiest way to do that. Have you installed that APP from the Software Center?

Launch Synaptic, then in the search box type optimus. You will see a green box next to optimus indicating its installed. Right click on it, mark for removal, DON'T do complete removal or it will possibly remove dependencies.

Then just click APPLY button to finalize.

Hi, im having a similar problem. I couldn't find a solution for amd/nvidia on the internet. You could try using Pop_os, it takes care of drivers and transitions itself. I really liked Zorin OS, but I can't use it efficiently.

Pop can handle dynamic graphics? I have the nvidia drivers work fine just has me stuck on dedicated only graphics

I am running POP and I can do hybrid or dedicated. But I choose to keep it in dedicated Nvidia only, cause like, why wouldn't you? I want all the performance I can get, YES! HEHE

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Oh… hmmm. I mean I want more battery life as I usually use my computer for stuff other than gaming but I’m debating pop now. But I really like Zorin. I dunno lol. Pop doesn't allow for secure boot though right?

Always, always have SECURE BOOT disabled when using any Linux distribution. And always have TPM turned off as well, that is also not needed in Linux. It is also recommended to turn of FAST BOOT as well, as that can sometimes cause problems.

SECURE BOOT & TPM are Windows only, we don't use them here.

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Those dual-booting with Windows may still benefit from Secure Boot.

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I have a dual boot as Aravisian said so I do want secure boot to protect my windows install from root kits. Zorin supports secure boot like ubuntu.

Some apps will still struggle with it. And this is an Ubuntu thing, not a Zorin OS thing.
Microsoft signed most of the packages for Ubuntu, but not all.

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So does that mean even if youre booted into the OS some programs wont run?

I do not know off-hand which ones. It does not come up quite enough enough to commit them to memory...

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