How to edit the taskbar as the top panel?

I lost the ability to edit the taskbar when it is located at the top (and the dock at the bottom). Right clicking does nothing bc the option to configure it is grayed out in the appearance settings.
I assume it is an issue with the 17.2 Pro upgrade because I was previously able to edit the taskbar.
Please advise.

Not all layout can be edited. If you want to edit it, you have to use default layout.

When You mean the Gnome Top Bar:

That You can't edit with System Tools. But there is a Gnome Extension with that you can do some Customization: Open Bar

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This extension is for cosmetics only. I need to edit the content and format as I could in 17.0

The default layout is not what I want to use. i was able to do this in 17.0.

You can move the default panel up and use plank as dock (only work in xorg).

so in this regard, 17.2 is a downgrade?

You have to ask the Gnome devs about that, the Zorin brothers has made Gnome user friendly for Windows/Mac users.

to get the style I was after:

Zorin Appearance
settings > action > gnome functionality > keep original gnome-shell top panel [ON]

settings > position > [turn off visibility to everything except task bar, center the taskbar, give it a reasonable panel length and set behavior as desired]

no plank needed. put that in yer book.

No need to be snide. People here are volunteering to help people out as good as they can. Even the staff here is volunteers and do it because we have a passion for Linux and helping people.

storm i was joking with a quote from dances with wolves! i am a big fan of zorin and the team

Ah okay :). It's been a long time since I saw a horror movie. I could in my youth but my nerves aren't up for it anymore.

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