[HOW TO] install Pinta Latest Version (Without Flatpak)

Pinta is an image editing tool. While I primarily use Gimp and Blender, I have found Pinta is more useful than either for Fast Tasks and quick access. I always ensure I have it installed.
Currently, the repo in most Linux distros offers only 1.6.
Yet, Snap and Flatpak offer 2.02.

Here is how to install Pinta 2.02 without Flatpak or snap.

Install dependencies (including MS dotnet):

wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/20.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb

sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

sudo apt update && sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-6.0 autotools-dev autoconf-archive gettext intltool libgtk-3-dev

Now grab the Pinta Package
Extract it where you want... In your ~/Downloads works well enough...
Change Directory into It:


NOTE: If you are one of them people living in the future, you may need to alter the above to the current version you extracted, like pinta-2.03...

Then run the installation:


sudo make install

Pinta should now be installed at the higher version, without messing with Flatpak or snap Sandboxing, failure to adhere to icons or themes or other issues that create more headaches than solutions.


Oh boy ..... another photo program to add to my collection ..... you can never have to many .... thanks

As it appears that I have Pinta already installed how to get rid of it ..... I assume it is flatpak as I have no snaps installed ..... or at least it says I don't

If you prefer to move to the higher gtk3 version, you might run sudo apt remove pinta prior to installing by the above method.
Flatpak can be checked with

flatpak list

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Thank you sir for the quick response ..... I'll use your suggestion and try installing Pinta ....

Interesting not listed under flatpak mostly just theme colors and a few programs like FreeTube .....

mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ flatpak list
N… Application… Version Branch Origin Installation
O… …ject.Studio 27.2.0 stable flathub system
B… …jai.Blanket 0.5.0 stable flathub system
H… …ndbrake.ghb 1.5.1 stable flathub system
F… …pp.FreeTube 0.16.0 Beta stable flathub system
K… …eadve.Kooha 1.2.1 stable flathub system
C… …kes.gcolor3 2.4.0 stable flathub system
T… …Plugins.TAP 1.0.1 20.08 flathub system
T… …Plugins.TAP 1.0.1 21.08 flathub system
S… …Plugins.swh 0.4.17 20.08 flathub system
S… …Plugins.swh 0.4.17 21.08 flathub system
F… …op.Platform 20.08.18 20.08 flathub system
F… …op.Platform 21.08.10 21.08 flathub system
d… ….GL.default 19.08 flathub system
M… ….GL.default 21.1.8 20.08 flathub system
M… ….GL.default 21.3.5 21.08 flathub system
n… …-470-103-01 1.4 flathub system
I… …VAAPI.Intel 19.08 flathub system
I… …VAAPI.Intel 20.08 flathub system
I… …VAAPI.Intel 21.08 flathub system
f… …ffmpeg-full 20.08 flathub system
f… …ffmpeg-full 21.08 flathub system
o… …rm.openh264 2.1.0 2.0 flathub system
G… …orkDisplays 0.90.4 stable flathub system
P… …(asX)wordSafe 5.1 stable flathub system
G… …me.Platform 3.38 flathub system
G… …me.Platform 40 flathub system
G… …me.Platform 41 flathub system
B… …heme.Breeze 3.22 flathub system
Z… …inBlue-Dark 3.22 zorinos system
Z… …nBlue-Light 3.22 zorinos system

snap say ....

mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ snap list
No snaps are installed yet. Try 'snap install hello-world'.

no idea what "hello-world" is but I really don't want to open anything from snaps .....

When viewing info above (asX) word was not allowed on the board so remove the BOLD print the 2 parenthesis and add another s and you got what it should read ....

For Zorin 17.x and Pop! OS 22.04/24.04 users who came from windows and wants a paint like program (like i do), here is a good alternative.

  1. Open terminal and write sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-8.0 debhelper autotools-dev autoconf-archive gettext intltool libgtk-3-dev
  2. Download Pinta from the official site. In this tutorial i use the .tar file
  3. Right click on the tarball and extract it.
  4. Right click on the folder and select open with terminal
  5. In the terminal write ./configure
  6. When it's done write sudo make install
  7. Exit and enjoy :grinning:

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Sligthly off-topic, MyPaint is another nice drawing package:

Very good when wanting to mirror what you draw without getting things messed up which is what I used when creating this wall:
