How to installing tableaue

how to install tableaue in zorin os

Tableaue does not appear to be available for Linux.

In the past, it seemed to get a good rating on Wine 4.3:

You may try using Wine:

sudo apt install -y zorin-windows-app-support

Once Zorin WIndows App Support (Wine 5) is installed, then run the Tableaue installer.

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You probably want to read the Workarounds section here: WineHQ - Tableau 10.3.2 32-bit
if the installer doesn’t run well.

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
wine not install

sudo apt --fix-broken install

sudo dpkg --add -architecture i386 && sudo apt update

sudo apt install zorin-windows-app-support

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
again show thise problem

Does it list any other reasons or missing dependencies?

tableau is not working

Have you checked WineHQ?

Marked Solution. 305

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