I want a dual partition. I want to migrate from Windows 10 to another platform.
I’m not understanding the “create root (/), swap, home (/home), and ESP/EFI (50 MB)” commands. Is this done during installation? Is it at the command prompt?
I’m very wary of creating changes until I know for sure that nothing is going to go wrong. And I need simple answers. I’m not totally unfamiliar with computers, but form your answer(s) as if you’re talking to someone with limited experience.
I can’t opine on the Windows 10 steps (#1 to #3) since I don’t use Windows 10 (except on my work laptop, and I don’t experiment on that). But regarding the Ubuntu steps, you can just consider them the same for Zorin and can use my suggestions for partitioning.
Finally, I recommend you read this: USB boot install before installing.
Hi if you don’t have experience yet in Linux I suggest dual booting. Create a partition using windows (Disk Management) After that try installing Zorin into that partition… Now
I suggest choosing (/). It automatically create its file hierarchy
Now talking about the others.
Swap is a disk memory used as a ram,
home in the other hand is where every users folder are stored, it is equivalent to windows Users folder. In Linux we separate home to other drive because we don’t like our (/) to have files of users which eats memory, (inside user folder you will see, desktop, pictures, downloads typical folders you see in windows)
EFI is where boot files and config are stored with out it you can’t boot your system
Everything of the folders you mentioned are under the (/) so choosing (/) means automatically creates file hierarchy