How to Recover Forgotten Keyring Password?


I'm new here. I just start using zorin OS pro this week.

Something bothering me is that when I'm login, it keep asking me to login my password.

I've key in my password but it said error.

Can anyone help me about this?

Here I attached my screen shot.

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I think this Keyring is related to Chrome/Chromium browser.
I stop using both of them a while ago.
I hope other volunteers on this forum could help you.

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Isn't Slimjet a chromium-based browser? I just started toying with it after you mentioned it in a post.

Specifically, when using a Snap or Flatpak version of the browser.
Installing from terminal

sudo apt install google-chrome

For example, will not give this error.
Also, ensure Secure Boot is disabled in BIOS settings.


It needs to be setup in the first place. In the past I have used the same password as login. Usually you normally get a first use window about setting up - I just cancel each time it appears. If it is still doing this then perhaps this might help?:

KDE Plasma has something similar in respect of KDE Wallet. This is somewhat easier to disable as all you have to do is go to System Settings | Account Details then Wallet Preferences Tab will be shown and uncheck 'Enable the KDE wallet subsystem'.


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