How to remove trash icon from my dash?

Probably a dumb question but I do not get any option to remove when I right click.
I have tried a couple solutions from other forums but they either throw an error similar to this:
No such schema “”

Or I just haven't been able to find the suggested setting or application.
Screenshot from 2024-10-16 23-19-55

There's an option called "Show trash can":

Does the Option exist on the Zorin Dash, too? Because @Juice seems to use the Zorin Dash (stands on the Top Bar). And on Your Picture stands Dash To Dock.

To @Juice: If @zenzen's Advice shouldn't work, You could go to Zorin Appearance. There you can set up Desktop Icons. When there the Trash should be enabled, you could deactivate it and look if it affects the Zorin Dash.

No, it's not. I looked for this option in Zorin Taskbar at first, before realizing that OP referred to Dash To Dock extension, both in the error message and the screenshot that illustrates the issue.

Sorry, I think this is a Missunderstand here. @Juice posted this Picture:

There stands Zorin Dash and I thought this Window shows the Settings of the Dock. And on your Picture stands:

So, I thought the first One was for the Zorin-own dock and your's for the ... indepedent Dash To Dock Extension.

This whole Name Stuff is sometimes quite exhausting, hahaha!

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You are now making me doubt... :thinking:

Based on how OP phrased the question, I'm assuming that the issue is with a third party extension — because of the first screenshot showing a dash that looks like Dash To Dock, and the error message referring to that same extension.

Although I have to admit I have no idea where the "Zorin Dash" window comes from. It sure looks a lot like the Taskbar Settings... but that should be disabled depending on which layout is selected.

Mmmm, maybe we need more information from @Juice:

  1. Did you install any third party extensions?
  2. Which layout have you selected?
  3. Which version of Zorin OS are you running: Lite or Core?
  4. What steps did you take to get to the "Zorin Dash" window?

When you open the Zorin Dash settings in 17 (Pro), you will not see the other option Tabs unless you scroll up. IDK why, maybe a bug...? But the settings are there.

  1. Open Zorin Dash Settings
  2. Scroll Up
  3. Choose the Launchers Tab
  4. Uncheck "Show trash can"

Hope this helps clear things up!


Of course I missed the scroll bar. :man_facepalming:

Don't feel bad, it got me too. I was like "where are the other settings??? They should be here...".

I think I might have even discovered how to find them by accident with the infinite scrolling wheel on my Logitech G502 HERO Mouse. I moused over the window with the wheel spinning and it flipped to the top exposing the other settings!

Not sure why, but the UI for Zorin Dash just isn't quite right.


That's messed with me many times. If an adjustment can be made such that that window opens scrolled to the top, I think it'd help quite a few people.

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Now, we will all just scroll everything to see what else might be hiding...

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