I need to repair a corrupted microSD formatted exFAT, while the PC reads it my android phone wont.
On windows that used to be "chkdsk E: /r"and the linux equivalent would be fsck.
I installed fsck.exfat and did "fsck.exfat -r /dev/sdb1" It wont work because the volume is busy so i unmounted it but now /dev/sdb1 does not exist anymore and no longers shows when i do "lsblk".
What to do?
I seem to remember that removing a drive using Files will completely disconnect it from the computer. Not really sure but maybe that's what is happening here.
Remove the SD card and re-insert it. This time, use the command line:
sudo umount /dev/sdb1
Note that the device name can change over time so make sure you type the correct device for the SD card.
That should be enough to simply remove the mount point while still being able to access the device using fsck
Recently I came across a USB stick from my old workplace that I had never been able to read as somehow it had become corrupted. I used GParted to create a new partition table which solved the issue. I then reformatted to FAT32. Job done.
Yeah that was it, using the umount command instead of removing the partition from files app worked, thank you