How to resolve error on World of Tanks on Zorin

Hello! i am trying to run World of tanks from the webstore. It automatically used play on lunix and wine, and launches to the starting menu. However, when i hit play, i get an error: "no hardware acceleration found." I have tried most guides on youtube, and in the general lunix forum, but they have either completely error-ed out in the Terminal, or have just crashed the computer.

I am running a Ryzen 5, and an RTX 3060.
Any help would be appreciated.

can you run

lspci | grep VGA

in the terminal and let us know the output

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2504 (rev a1)

So its identified as a non descript lhr card. and not being seen as as 3060

if you goto Software Updater > Settings > Additional Drivers > Do you See any nVidia Drivers Available? I run an all amd setup but i think the
nvidia-driver-460 (proprietary, tested) Entry should work for the 3060 and 3060ti

i didnt find that specific one. it says that i am currently using "nvidia-driver-470 (proprietary) Im gonna attach a screen shot of my other options.

470 is newer, and should work - i'm not sure why the card wasn't identified if the driver is loaded - But I have limited experience with nVidia cards.
If this is a laptop - try turning shared graphics.

Also a similar issue below, reinstalling the drivers fixed the issue as well

@Aravisian might have more ideas as well

its a desktop. I use it as a programming pc. I am trying to make mods for various games, and i just got tired of this error. i attached a screenshot of my system specs.

zorin did find my graphics driver. when i enter lspci -k | grep -A 2 -i "nvidia" i get the following:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2504 (rev a1)
Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device 397d
Kernel driver in use: nvidia
Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia
01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation Device 228e (rev a1)
Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device 397d
Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel

Do you mean you are running it in the browser? Or is it something you installed to your computer, then installed Lutris and installed Wine?

If running in the browser, it may require that your Browser Settings have Hardware Acceleration enabled.

Chrome / Chromium /Chrome and Chromium-Based:


i am trying to run it from a download. (wargaming center). After updating, i now get a crash warning from wine.

Can you share the crash log? Might offer some insight, and my apologies, when you shared the single line i thought that was all that zorin was detecting for the driver info. the card looks properly identified. Might just be a runtime library or dependency missing.

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