How to share printer with Windows 10 laptop

I have installed Zorin Lite on the old desktop of my mother. A printer is connected to this desktop and that works fine. My mother is able to print with this desktop.
However, my mother is not able to print from her Windows 10 laptop to the shared printer connected to the Zorin desktop. I am not able to find the printer on the network and install it in W10. How can I fix this?

Hi and welcome, Hopefully the solution posted here will help you too!

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Thank you. I turns out the firewall was the problem. I have added a rule to the home profile which allowed in- and outbound traffic using the IPP protocol and everything works fine now.

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Right-click your printer, then click Printer properties. Click Start > Settings > Gadgets, then open the Gadgets and Printers interface. Right-click your printer, then, at that point, click Printer properties. Select the Sharing tab, then, at that point, really take a look at the case to share your printer.