How would i change this icon?

How do i change this icon?
Screenshot from 2023-08-18 13-05-46
I want it to be in colour

I am on Zorin OS Core

You can change its color on Zorin Appearance > Theme > Finishing color. This changes the icon color, but even any other, too. To change only a single button you'll have to change some codes, I don't know about settings or extensions that change color of stuff separately.

So there is no way to change the actual icon itself?

Well, by what I know not singularly, and not via the current GUI. You may want to see how it looks like enabling High Contrast.

Where are the files for these icons located?

I don't know so much, sorry. Wait that mates here who know such specific things can help you.

Is that the Show Desktop icon?

Yes, you can change any individual icon by changing the icon in the /usr/share/icons/ icon theme directory. Which Icon Theme are you using?
If using a third party icon theme that you installed in your Home Directory, it would be in either ~/.icons or ~/.local/share/icons followed by the Icon Theme Name in the directory tree.

@Aravisian this is part of zorin os, it isnt affected by icon packs so it doesnt change no matter what icon pack i am using

Ah, so it must be an icon in the Gnome Shell theme.
/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ followed by the Zorin OS gnome-shell theme you are using.

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@Aravisian when i go into that folder i get this error message
Screenshot from 2023-08-18 15-44-09

Oh, right. I mentioned that I do not use Gnome. LOL. Jog my memory.
/usr/share/themes/(Name Of Zorin Theme You are Using)/gnome-shell/assets

For example, if using ZorinBlue-Dark:

I recommend using Inkscape for modifying .svg scaler vector files.

can the image be in colour?

Yes, using Inkscape, you can easily change the color of the icon.
Please see @Storm 's excellent guide here:

Remember that when dealing with files in Root, you will need to elevate to Root.
I Highly recommend that instead, you copy the Zorin Theme Folder to your ~/.themes directory (If ~/.themes does not exist, create it) and then make changes to that theme in your home folder. This way, if you need to revert, you can use the backup Original Theme to make a new copy.
For example:

mkdir ~/.themes/ZorinBlue-Modified

Then copy the theme you are using into that directory. To see the changes, using Gnome Tweaks or Zorin OS Appearance Settings, change Gnome-Shell theme to ZorinBlue-Modified

@Aravisian thank you
I got no answer anywhere else

@Storm and I both make Linux themes and Icon Sets so when it comes to theming; we probably can help.
Storm makes for Gnome and I make for XFCE (Other).

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@Aravisian How would i increase the size of it?

In Zorin OS Core, you can use the Taskbar Settings to set icons to scale with the taskbar size, I believe.

If that is not quite what you want, or you have a more specific icon size in mind,
open the gnome-shell.css file in your Theme Folder.
navigate to around line 640 or so to This Class and set of properties:

#panel .panel-button#panelActivities > * { background-image: url("assets/activities-dark.svg"); background-color: transparent !important; background-gradient-direction: none !important; background-size: contain; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; border: none; color: transparent; box-shadow: none; }

What you want here is this:

width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em;

the em sizing scales the image based on your Font Size as your frame of reference. You can increase the em; e.g.

width: 2em; height: 2em;

Or switch to setting a determined pixel size;

width: 32px; height: 32px;

Save the file then reload the desktop with alt+f2 and enter in r, then enter key to see the change.

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Thank you so much

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