I keep hearing a sound

I keep hearing a sound that sounds like something is activating & deactivating, or connected/disconnected every few seconds. Any ideas on how to find out what is causing it? I tried to watch the /var/syslog (tail -f) but noting is coinciding in the logs when the sound occurs.

You might try launching terminal and running

watch -n 1 lsusb

Keep an eye on it as the sound plays to see if you can spot if any hardware is disconnecting / reconnecting.

Try this as well:

udevadm monitor

It will automatically listen to and print kernel events when there's a new hardware device detected.

I have found the cause, but not how to disable. Is my battery power monitor. I am plugged in, but the battery section in the settings window keeps toggling between "7 mins until fully charged" (98%) and "14 hours 12 mins remaining". This only started occurring today out of the blue - was running 16.x core. I ran all updates, then decided to upgrade to the latest 17 core hoping it might go away.

You might try a calibration to see if that gets the battery sensor working properly.

This is done by unplugging and using the laptop or letting the battery drain completely. Til the notebook dies.
Then charge it to completely full before powering it on.

If you power on and use the notebook prior to it being fully charged, it can disrupt that calibration - causing you to have to repeat it a couple more times...

This is a battery thing, by the way. If you wanted to calibrate it on Windows, you likely would do the same procedure.

i did that and just now powered it up today. It's doing the same thing. I'll try again. Thx

issue is still there. will try again. good times

Is the connection to the battery failing?

I have had USB ports (Sometimes, they just need cleaning) do this. For example, inserting some flash drives would connect/reconnect/reconnect over and over and I needed to either physically hold the thing in place or bend the little metal housing. Or, clean the contacts.
Electrical contacts can be very finicky.

You may need to physically inspect your battery contact points.

not that I'm aware of. Issue is still occurring. I powered off and removed the battery, waited a minute or 2 and put it back in. Booted up and still an issue. I'm going to try one more time to drain it tonight and recharge until tomorrow. Just strange how this popped up out nowhere. Thx again!