I need antivirus in Zorin OS 16 Core?

Much of security rides on the user. Make wise decisions and remain alert and cautious.

I would say you do not need antivirus software on Linux. But there are many options available for private browsing, port security, identity protection and net surfing for those who prefer more peace of mind.

Generally, I do not use any antivirus on my daily driver running Zorin OS. It uses more resources than it is worth...
Another of my rigs, though, is like an internet stealth tank. It depends on application. :wink:


Cat Sup GIF

No anti-virus required, Linux is inherently much more secure then Windows. There are no back doors into your system on Linux, like there are on Windows, and there is no data mining being done on you, like there is on Windows.

Like Aravisian has said, there is very few virus's spyware/malware on Linux to ever be worried about it. What you need to be more concerned with, is Ransomware. So in essence, be smart, don't go to websites you don't know, don't click on links that you don't know, don't open emails from those you don't know, etc.

As long as your navigation on the internet is smart, you won't have to fear ransomware as much. But if you are really worried about it, there is anti-virus on Linux called Clam AV AKA Clam TK, and this can be installed from the Software Store.

There is also a firewall that you can run in Zorin OS. But take my word for it, its more trouble then its worth. We've already had numerous users come on here, letting us know all the things that they couldn't do online, cause the firewall was blocking access, and they had to put in exceptions to get through.

Linux, 99% virus free, 100% more secure, 100% open source, better living when its 100% your choice. Linux, experience the freedom. :slightly_smiling_face:


I can only echoing what already have been said. Anti-virus app is something for Windows users. However, use common sense is still advise.


I have installed Clam AV but I run it manually on downloaded files, rather than having it running in the background. Another online service to check suspicious links and downloads is VirusTotal.

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i would go with zenzen. Install Clam AV and run it manually on a regular base.

A recent article: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-sysjoker-backdoor-targets-windows-macos-and-linux/

There are far less virusses for macOS and Linux then for Windows, but there are far more virusses for macOS and Linux then there where 10 years ago. Caution can only do so much.


Some more reading on the subject here:

Personally I scan with ClamTK and run Rkhunter occassionally.
Also set firewall active, as it is inactive by default on ZorinOS installation.

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I would reiterate, what is already stated above.

Nevertheless, there are more solutions available for Linux:

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ESET are going to discontinue their Anti-virus app for Linux.


And they already have to. Have you tried downloading and installing it? You will discover a wonderful little message about there being no executable file within it. And you know why I think it says that? Cause look at the title of the file, 32-bit. Its not made for 64-bit CPU's or OS's, so its gonna naturally error out.

I'm still pretty angry at ESET for doing this. I purchased and ran ESET for my last 2-years on Windows, before I switched to Linux. I recognize that Linux doesn't really need anti-virus. Having said that however, I strongly respected and loved ESET, as the best security suite ever made for Windows or MAC.

And I really wanted to get ESET for my Linux distro. Imagine my surprise when I found out that ESET, decided at the same exact time that Windows 11 was releasing, to make the decision to can all of us on Linux, for their anti virus suite?

I also discovered around the same time, that many other commercial security company software, all did the exact same thing. It really felt like a conspiracy to me. Everything seemed to be pushing people into Windows 11, and nowhere else. And I still feel this way to an extent, to be perfectly honest.

I really would love to have ESET, but they made the decision to can us Linux users, so oh well I guess. What I will say is, ClamAV ClamTK, is nowhere near as good as an APP as ESET, or even other commercial security software.

I am really hoping that despite the fact that Linux doesn't technically need anti virus, that somebody in the Linux community, makes an APP, that is as powerful as ESET, that is actually good, works good, and updates easily for the virus definitions.

I can dream lol


This is a great example of why you don't need an anti-virus:

I'm not saying that this particular product or company is bad or that you shouldn't install one. What I'm saying is that every software has bugs, including the one that is meant to protect you, and the more software you run the bigger the attack surface is.

I'm curious about this. In Windows I use Simplewall which works great for me because I get prompted when a new connection is being made. But I wouldn't know what to block otherwise, and I'm not sure if you can be that selective with Zorin's firewall (which I believe is UFW?).

Well said. The user is the primary defense. Relying too heavily on the unseen and relying.... on the hardware... for security is like putting on a blindfold and walking across a gun range trusting strangers to hold their fire.


Which is exactly why I don't believe in that silly TPM module BS. People know it can be hacked now, not so much remotely per say. But if the hacker has physical access to your computer when your not around, all they got to do is pop the cover off your machine, and work their fancy little tools, to interface with that TPM module, and they will get your encryption key.

Once they got that key, they have full access to your computer. And thus, that makes that little piece of supposedly secure TPM modular hardware, a complete and utter crock of utter garbage. I so agree.

No rely on the hardware to secure you. Security begins with the user first. And that BTW, is how you defend yourself against Ransomewear, which is really the only real threat to Linux users these days.

Still whatever data[in case it's not tooo personal or confidential] which you don't want to lose, I strongly recommend to have either an online backup or external backup of it for just in case like situations.

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Completely true. If a third party hacker gets physical access to your machine, they can do just as you said quite quickly, perhaps 30 minutes or so.
However, I need to point out that it can be attacked remotely. It's not so easy and it takes longer... By far, TPM is safer than not as far as remote... As long as we are talking about a third party malicious actor.

But what about someone who "isn't?"
TPM module allows access to Microsoft to a backdoor to your machine. A Microsoft employee can access your machine remotely, TPM no problem, within minutes, and with ease. Assuredly, this is to give Microsoft Access in order to perform administrative repairs for our safety, right? They can be trusted.
And we all know that it is unthinkable that Microsoft could possibly have any disgruntled employees that go rouge.


ok muchas gracias!

bueno gracias!

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muchas gracias por la respuesta!

El sentido común a veces puede fallar. Gracias por su respuesta

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Bueno, voy a probar sólo por curiosidad 'Clam AV' y si no me gusta lo desinstalo. Gracias!

Estoy feliz de usar Zorin, gracias a todos por sus respuestas.

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