If I install Zorin OS on my Mac, will I be unable to use my existing macOS?

If I install Zorin OS on my Mac, will I be unable to use my existing macOS? And will the data on macOS be deleted? For reference, I am using a MacBook Air M1 (A2337).

When you install an operating system, of any kind, you need to specify where to install it. Typically, the whole drive is used, but you can create any number of partitions to install different operating systems. This setup will allow you to have different operating systems with their own data independent of each other.
On boot, a program called bootloader runs and allows you to decide which OS to boot into. Since normally there's only one choice, you never get to see it.

I should mention that in my own experience, dual boot tends to cause more headaches than it's worth. Either because the hardware manufacturer doesn't include the right BIOS options, or because the software vendor (Apple, in this case) doesn't like playing with others and creates friction unnecessarily (as Microsoft does).
If all you want is to test Zorin OS, I would recommend a virtual machine first. They have their own limitations but you'll find that you can use it without issues, and without risking the underlying installation.

Someone with more experience on dual boot might give a different opinion, especially if they are used to working with Macbooks, but I'd still argue that you need to define your use case clearly to make the best decision.

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Thank you for your reply. Happy New Year and have a nice day!

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