If Zorin did not exist which distro are you switching to?

Debian Stable? I do not care for the interface of PopOS. Takes up a lot screen real estate.

What was your opinion of PopOS? It was my main distro for probably about a year then I updated 20.04 to 22.04 and hated it lol

Honestly impressed by it. It improved a lot from the old versions I tried in the past.

Funny how opinions work.
22.04 scared me off and you were impressed by it lol

I will be trying Deepin 23 when it comes out. I just can't stand your typical old and frumpy looking distro.

I'm a huge fan of the newer Gnome. Gnome 3.38 is annoying me with how long people are continuing to use it. It's 2023, damnit.

As interesting of a release as it is I honestly do not fully trust the developers of that project. Been some suspicious actions in the past.

I wonder if UbuntuDDE ever becomes an official spin?

I really have not noticed much of a difference going from Gnome 43 to 3.38 other than some extensions not being supported. Have not used Gnome 44 hardly at all


I honestly do not fully trust the developers

Then try UbuntuDDE which is Deepin without all the China.

some extensions not being supported

LOTS of UI improvements.

I couldn't really say exactly which distro I would definitely be switching to. I'm currently taking my time to "distro hop" to explore what's out there in the Linux world.

But Pop!_OS is one that really impressed me. It had it's own look and feel, the ability to use a tiling window manager by clicking a single button, and of course since the company that makes it are hardware manufacturers it at least gives the impression that they test things thoroughly. I had no issues with it while I used it.

Fedora was really nice one for me but the release cycles are too short for my taste. I'm on the mood of switching often but ultimately I want to "settle down".
OpenSUSE is great so far but I'm not a big fan of unexpected surprises that come with rolling distributions.

So for me it comes down to Pop!_OS, Mint, MX Linux or Debian. Mint was okay but had a bit of a bumpy ride with it. For desktops I would choose MX Linux over Debian, but then again I guess I would probably choose Pop!_OS over MX Linux... so I guess there you have it.

At least, that's my decision as of today.

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DDE as a whole isn’t very stable yet. Apparently the next release is going to help with that a lot.

I am on two pc older mint and newer fedora with spin cinnamon. Of course, i am waiting on new version Zorin. I want check all family. How they working pros and cons. I mean, slackware,Debian,Ubuntu and Red hat. Arch is for people hobbies and have many time to configuration distribution with packages, updates, security and Kernel updated.

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I would go with Mint as I use Cinnamon DE on Zorin Pro now ..... folks I know wanted me to go to Mint when I found Zorin but I doubt they had even tried Zorin .....

I'm a firm believer "if it ain't broke don't fix it" OS's that change their versions like a rabbit eating carrots don't impress me I want stability not glitter ..... but that is me ..... a new version every couple of years is fine with me ....


Any particular reason you don’t try Kubuntu or Neon if you like KDE?

Personally I am not a huge fan of KDE. It just has to much going on imo.

But I get the appeal for a different type of user than myself.

Also if anybody has a problem with you using what you want I wouldn’t put to much stock in what they say lol.

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This is why I get so irked when someone claims that Zorin OS is "outdated" or even once on here: "*severely outdated" because it is not a Rolling Release.
Being LTS instead of Rolling does not mean it is outdated. But moreover, the updates and maintenance on Zorin OS are swifter than on any other distro I tried.

On more than one occasion, I had a patch roll in while I was in the process of filing the bug report...


What do they do that Ubuntu 20.04 does not in this regard? Do they apply updates to non-Zorin packages?

I'm glad Gnome has extensions, but honestly some functionality is so basic that should be part of the Gnome itself. Even if you can disable it later, but without needing to go after extensions that may or may not be left unattended for ages...

Gnome is designed for their specific workflow. They do not want to make it clunky and slower by adding a lot of things that people do not need. This is why the extension system is there in the first place.

The more you have going on the slower your system will be. The Gnome interface is meant to be very minimalist. I personally am a pretty big fan of the stock Gnome interface as I have mentioned I am a bit torn between it and a Windows-like

I know, I know... :face_exhaling: I just want a normal desktop where I can quickly create a text file or something. I swear I will delete it later!


Multiple feeds to watch for patches and updates, I think. I am not sure and I have wondered,myself. It may be many things, such as their own testing that catches something, that they do a lot of troubleshooting for Zorin OS Pro users and have a lot of experience... There may even be a luck and timing factor.
They have their trade secrets that give their advantage and I am not about to pry.
Why is it that Zorin OS tends to show better CPU performance than either Ubuntu or Xubuntu?
I have no idea.
In interactions with the ZorinGroup, I can tell you that they are very intelligent and well organized.

Gnome prefers a form of minimalism to ensure users break as little as possible. The extensions exist not with Gnomes Blessing, but because users were frustrated over missing functionality. Gnome Dev actually condemns extensions.
If Gnome had their way- there would be no extensions and stock Gnome was all you would get.
Check Tobias Bernards blog for more. They are displeased with extensions as a whole.

I just do not entirely agree with this. There is literally a "gnome-extensions" command integrated into stock Gnome. I am with you in the fact that they are not fans. But they have helped extensions and from what I understand (can not seem to find the info right now) put the system in place in the first place.