I'm going to install KDE :O

Yeah, time for some changes. Also going to solve the mystery of KDE icon building. I have downloaded Fedora KDE version and so far I haven't got lost in settings :D. I'm going to tweak the heck out of it.


You really ought to give KDE Neon and MX-Linux 23.1 KDE a try! :wink:

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My tweak, still need a bit more tweak :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now that looks like something I could get down with!! :sunglasses: My only and favorite KDE was OpenSUSE 9 - long, long time ago lol Any versions after that, I seemed to just easily break by changing some settings, trying some stuff out.. basic use, somehow :laughing:

But that looks pretty good! Icons yours?? Also looks pretty good :+1:

Nope. I'm using someone else's icon theme for a change.

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Still - looks good! :grin:

Funny enough - I told myself next time windows crashed - I'd erase and install Zorin, and because I've been working with kde on Garuda, which allows me functions, not automatic on gnome. still working on a bar temp sensor, but otherwise tests out as work compatible as windows for the things I do. On an off day I'll probably put this on my Beelink, right now I'm typing this on the new Yoga I7 - 16W/oled touch screen. No muss or fuss with the install, and everything's smooth as silk. I configured the libre suit for compatibility with MS Office suite, and the same with other apps needed for electronic communication. I'm all in for this now, since it's my work travel laptop - will be interesting, and you'll probably get some interesting questions down the road. Right now couldn't be happier - no crashes running similar linux windows comparable programs side by side, and many multiple windows. Being in a slightly niche field - switching back and forth between systems is a pain I'll now be avoiding with linux and a few re-configures, and other work arounds to get the job done. Bonus the battery lasts longer and it's running cooler - Been checking Zorin and Garuda and though it's stable and totally modern, I have still worries in the back of my mind - glitching - even with timeshift - as Rhino before it. Zorin on the other hand is a very proven product that just keeps getting better. Zorin with KDE is awesome.


On KDE Neon, thought I would change the Win11 OS Dark theme for this one, KDE-Blue-Story-Dark-Global Theme:

and found a Zorin Boot Splash Screen!

The niggle with KDE Plasma is that if you change the Global Theme you lose all your desktop Widgets and apps that you pinned to the Task Bar of the panel. Recently discovered that there is now a flatpak version of one of my favourite Windows Apps, Sumatra PDF - on its first release it was 10 Mb, compared to Adobe reader at the time, over 100 Mb!

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Did the Beelink today between chores - went smooth as silk - a happy man!

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You are using plank with KDE? Why not Latte?

When I was in Cin. OS - I did, like the KDE style more - more ways to use stuff.

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