Increase volume more than 100%?

Is there a way to increase the volume more than 100% through keyboard controls? I'm using Zorin OS lite 17.2

In Zorin OS Core 17.2 there is an option for this, but cant find it in Zorin OS lite 17.2
I have to click the volume icon in the task bar and increase the volume slider from there everytime I need to increase more than 100%.

It looks like this limitation was set on purpose to avoid accidents:

For the record, I've implemented it this way on purpose, to prevent accidental increase of volume beyond 100%. Volumes above 100% are accessible via volume slider only. Whilst at >100% volume it is possible to use keyboard shortcuts to decrease the volume, though.

You may try a workaround by overwriting the volume up behavior as per this comment:

Reading a bit more on this it looks like this may cause issues if you have multiple audio sources (like an external HDMI display with speakers). Maybe we should move this to Feedback so that the Zorin developers consider including a toggle to overwrite this default behavior in Lite, just like in Core well.


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