Infinite loop of uninitialized value

Over the last few months I've encountered this unusual problem when trying to run updates.

I'll leave it for 24 hours, come back and it'll be looping the exact same lines, over and over again..

I'll restart the device and come back to it and where some updates then complete with no error, every other update will result in the above.

I have no idea on where to even begin fixing this. Any ideas? Thanks!

Have you added any 3rd party source line to your source list?

Are you referring to this list?

Yes, is that the whole list? The only 3rd party I see is VPN (debian).

That's the whole list - window maximised to ensure there was nothing left to scroll

Just checked the picture again, it says it configuring the kernel 6.5.0-45. I have never seen a loop in the process of the kernel or heard about it. This need some research.

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