Let's say I want to install Zorin on ZFS created with multiple drives. Even if installer does not support that option, there should be a way for me to create ZFS filesystems for root and home manually from command line (which I know how to do) and then to tell installer to use already-available mountpoints to proceed with installation. Anyone figured this one out?
Wouldn’t you use something like gparted or similar to create the partitions on your ZFS “pool” to then install root / and /home along with swap if you need it? That is, create the needed partitions first and install onto those partitions. I have never tried ZFS. I installed Zorin with btrfs and it worked great not much different than ext4 but with easier snapshots. I have one Mint machine with LMDE installed using ext4 and two other machines with btrfs and they have been working well for over a year at least. Let us know how ZFS works out.
Yes, I can create ZFS pools and mountpoints the way I like them using command line. The issue is I don't know how to make my new mountponts appear in Zorin installer next to disks and partitions so I can assign mount points that it wants to my mount points and tell installer to continue.
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