Installed a package signing key for 22.04 Ubuntu Instead of 20.04

I want to ask if I will face problems when installing a package signing key of 22.04, the latest version of Ubuntu, whereas Zorin OS is based on 20.04 of Ubuntu.

I'm doing programming work and need to install the .Net Core 6. And there are many versions of Ubuntu to install the .Net Core 6, but the difference is the package signing key. And I didn't notice that Zorin OS 16 is based on Ubuntu 20.04. I installed the package signing key of the 22.04 version. Although, I didn't face any problems while installing and running a C# program. But will I face problems in the long run?

I think if it was going to give you trouble, you would have noticed right away, actually.
But if you prefer safe rather than sorry, you could remove it completely, then install .Net core 6 with

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb

sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb

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Thanks for this one. I just noticed that the IntelliSense extension in VS Code wouldn't work when installing using the package signing key of 22.04. Even the program's built right, so I uninstall it and installed the correct version.

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