Installing ".appinstaller" Extension / Installing Shapr3D

Hi! I like Shapr3D. When I want to install Shapr3D, the installation file is end with ".appinstaller", not with ".exe" or ".msi" and Wine is not compatible with this extension. I don't know how to install it. I found a blog. Blog says "You can install it with extract .appinstaller file and run the .exe file." I tried it but it doesn't work. I tried this with bottles but it doesn't runs too. I tried some alternatives but they are very complicated. If there is not a way to run ".appinstaller", can you give me to a basic alternative. Thank you!

The way Shapr3D is built, it is next to impossible to get it to work with WINE. Remember, WINE is a compatibility layer, not a full Operating System. It is great for most things. But a complex and heavy dependency program will balk on WINE.

You might try using Qemu (Or QuickEmu) instead. It is more versatile for running Virtual Environments and Shapr3D is much more likely to fully work on a Windows OS Environment.

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