Installing Balena Etcher As An Appimage?


I have installed Balenaetcher before, but now it hosted as an .appimage file. Can anyone please help with how to install that on Zorin?



In general, appimages tend to be Stand-Alone software that do not need installation (are not dependent on a lot of other system packages) in order to run.
This is why some appimages can be run on Linux or Windows flawlessly. Their only dependency is the window management.

Some appimages do install portions of themselves to Root, should they need to recognize or react to filetype associations.
You do not really install them, they install themselves. (I do not like this variety. I get it... But I don't like it and avoid them).

For BalenaEtcher, you should be able to Run the Appimage without any installation necessary.

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The problem is that it opens up into a big blank box!

Probably a dependency issue with the actual app image itself which shouldn't be a problem as it gets all dependencies wrapped in it's own image. Can I suggest a flatpak and something like system76's popsicle USB writer? As for me flatpak has less issues than app images

I prefer Ventoy or Unetbootin. Multiboot is good, too.


You can add it to your Start menu using the Main Menu app. Have to d/l an icon tho.

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