Installing latest Core edition on Lenovo Thinkpad T14

Hi. I'm new to Zoring and more of a Windows user so please bear with me :grinning:

I'm trying to install the latest Core edition on my Thinkpad T14 and the installation completes without any errors. When I reboot it hangs for ages on a Lenovo splash screen with Zorin in white letters. After about 4-5 minutes I get a black background and cursor bottom left but am not able to move the cursor. The keyboard is unresponsive.

I have tried using both modern graphics driver installation and the normal one.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

As the computer boots, do you ever seecan option to EDIT? If not, press Ctrl+ F2 so you can get to a TTY terminal screen.

Follow this guide:

and edit the line starting with vmlinuz, and at the end add 'nomodeset'.
Save changes and reboot.

Welcome to the Forum!

Let me first ask some Questions:

  • Is this a Dual-Boot system or Zorin-only?
  • If Dual-Boot: Did You turned off in Windows Fast Start-Up?
  • Are Secure Boot and Fast Boot in the BIOs turned off?
  • Is You BIOS in UEFI or Legacy Mode?
  • What Program did You used to create the bootable USB Stick with Zorin on it?
  • Is this a Dual-Boot system or Zorin-only?

Zorin only

  • If Dual-Boot: Did You turned off in Windows Fast Start-Up?

Not dual boot

  • Are Secure Boot and Fast Boot in the BIOs turned off?


  • Is You BIOS in UEFI or Legacy Mode?


  • What Program did You used to create the bootable USB Stick with Zorin on it?

I used balenaEtcher (used it previously for installing MINT)

I mashed a combination of Shift key and Esc key at startup and am now at a black screen with grub prompt

.. not sure what to do next

Okay. Do you have the Possibility to use a Windows Machine? If yes, use on Windows Rufus for creating the bootable USB Stick. On Rufus, You can choose the Partition Sheme. For an UEFI BIOS would be GPT better and for a Legacy BIOS like Your would be MBR better. And on Rufus, You can select that:

You can type


at the grub prompt. This should list any errors.

You can access the Grub Prompt with either tab or esc - no shift key.

From Grub prompt, choose the (recovery) option.
In the Recovery Menu, arrow key down to Drop to Root Prompt

Tap enter then run

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Change this line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to look exactly like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Tap ctl+o to Overwrite, then enter to save current configuration.
Tap ctl+x to exit the editor.
Now you must run

sudo update-grub

Once all is complete, reboot and test.

Glad to hear that "secure boot" and "fast boot" are off, as they cause more problems on Linux. Also, modern Linux systems use "UEFI". Legacy mode is for old computer's, and old OS's.

Follow the excellent instruction advice, you were given up above, and you should be good to go.

I'll give them ago tomorrow and let you know. Thank you for such quick and friendly advice

Holy Moly ! That worked !!! Thank you so much :grinning:

Thanks for all the friendly and helpful advice. Great community :pray:

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