Installing Zorin OS 16 With Grub2Win

Hello, I need help. I need to install Zorin OS 16 dual boot with Windows using Grub2Win (not Grub). If using Grub, Windows Boot Manager OS selection will be overwritten by Grub, I don't want to let that happen, because I don't have another PC or HDD if there's something wrong with the GrubLoader or if I want to uninstall Zorin OS. Is there a way to do that?

How to do that? My laptop is Legacy with MBR partition style which can't add more than 4 partitions. Can I install Grub to logical partition? Please give me guide to do that properly without damaging the partitions

There is also the "non-traditional method" of dual-booting alongside Windows that you may wish to look at. Dual-booting Windows with Linux the non-traditional method

But I have not used this myself.


Yeah, that's what I was wanted for. So, I did the exact tutorial as on video. Now I got trouble booting it. After I add boot option on EasyBCD and choose grub2, the OS seems can't boot, just shows grub> and when I press tab, it shows commands. What to do? Replace grub2 to other? Which one?

See this

No worry, I already figured it out myself by importing grub.cfg from /boot/grub/grub.cfg to Grub2Win and it is able to boot normally (need to reedit the path by removing /boot). Thx alot.

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So, this is how is it going. I also give a screenshot of NeoGrub codes (if someone prefer NeoGrub for easier way)

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