I don't think anyone benefits from their log files becoming hundreds of gigabytes in size because a program decides to spam errors like no tomorrow to the point it starts slowing down your system and while I don't mind tinkering to some degree as that's just sort of my nature I could definitely see someone getting frustrated over this as it really shouldn't be an issue.
Related enough (and supports your premise) that I don't think it warrants its own thread: Does restricting journald by editing /etc/systemd/journald.conf also prevent the log flood Spydercoder describes above, or is that an entirely separate problem that needs to be handled in addition, as in their linked thread?
Either way, I strongly feel that system defaults for logs need to be restricted more heavily than they are. A user with a particular need for extreme logging is more likely to know how to implement it than the large contingent of Windows converts that make up most of Zorin's new users.