Is it possible to install AutoCAD 2019 on Zorin OS?

I need to use AutoCAD 2019 for one school project. I tried LibreCAD and BricksCAD which are available for Linux, but they are not good as original AutoCAD 2019. Do you have any suggestion?

Based on my knowledge, You have 3 options.
1. To use the AutoCAD WebApp.
2. To run AutoCAD on Windows 7/8/10 inside a Virtual Machine.
3. To run AutoCAD using Wine on Zorin.

I'll detail each option down below.

1. To use the AutoCAD WebApp.
You can use the AutoCAD WebApp which allows you to work on your CAD files from any system, independent of your OS. It can be found here: AutoDesk WebApp
You must have a paid subscription to use it but It is free for students/educators.
2. To run AutoCAD on Windows 7/8/10 inside a Virtual Machine.
This method is pretty straight forward. Install a version of Windows (10 Is recommended) in VirtualBox or your VM software of choice and then simply install AutoCAD in that environment.
3. To run AutoCAD using Wine on Zorin.
This method allows you to "natively" run AutoCAD on Linux but it the hardest one as well. Here you can see the community rating for running AutoCAD on Linux. The 2019 has been rated as garbage. So it means that getting it to run is going to be a pain in the neck and will not be stable.

Other methods probably exist, but in my opinion the WebApp is your best option. It doesn't require installation, and runs on any OS. It's the least troublesome.
I hope this has been of help.


Thanks, I will now try 2. option because 1. AutoCAD web version is very bad :frowning:

Let us know if you are able to get it running and if it runs smoothly inside the VM.

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