I know I can click the gear icon at the login window but I'm running Cinnamon so I have to choose it as start-up ..... but is it Wayland or X and how can I tell ..... I want to try Wayland as I read yesterday that Wayland has made great strides and now runs smoothly on Zorin .....
Also that a lot of other Os's are switching to Wayland .....
Cinnamon has only recently started to add support for Wayland. Depending on which version of the DE you have installed, it may not be available, although I suppose that if you're seeing both options it's probably supported, to some degree, anyway.
A good way to check which one is your system running, run this in the terminal:
env | grep -i xdg
You should see an entry that looks something like this:
On Cinnamon, You can do it on the Login Screen, too. There should be the Cinnamon Logo in the User Name/Password Field Field. Click on that and You can lokk and switch Sessions and Desktop Environments.
But for Zorin, this isn't relevant. First, Cinnamon starts with Wayland Implementation - and that You will only have on an up-to-date Cinnamon Desktop like on Linux Mint. And there it is only ''Experimentell''. So, You shouldn't expect much on this.
On an upto-date Gnome or KDE Desktop, You will find these Improvements. Or Comic, but thst isn't finished yet.
Here on Zorin the Cinnamon Version is simply too old. So You are on X11. Even on the up-to-date Cinnamon Desktop is it default X11.
Ponce-De-Leon ...... Yes it lists Wayland as experimental on Mint while Zorin has no listing for Cinnamon Wayland ....
May leave it on Wayland Mint and play with it for a while to see how it reacts ..... already noticed some changes in the desktop as it has moved some stuff around .....
I would be curious as to your results. I was testing Enlightenment on Wayland, earlier.
I honestly did not know if I could notice any difference or if I did not stay on it long enough to get a good metric.
Is that Enlightenment DE or another program ???? .....
I haven't done an extensive search of Mint running Wayland but all the programs I have used .... many of them not native to Mint ..... work OK ...... including NVIDIA .....
The only change so far is when Mint on Wayland opens my Proton VPN notification box it moved from center screen to the upper left hand corner of the screen which is annoying but not a deal changer ... I just have to click on it to close it anyway .....
Good lord I just started using ver. 22 Wilma just a few months ago ..... or so it seems like it and now is 22.1 Xia .....
I noticed on the link you so kindly supplied that there will be a long download time due to all the folks wanting the new version .....
They suggest that you use " Fastly " to speed up your download time ..... I didn't grasp it fully but when I saw that it cost $1,500 per month for the basic plan I lost interest in checking any further ..... that is way out of my poor pay grade .... LOL .....
I have a 70+ Mbps download speed and the fact that Mint is on my 238 GB SSD I may just try the download provided by Mint ..... I downloaded Wilma right after they released that one and if I remember correctly it took 2+ hours ....
Or maybe not .... I could just wait a few weeks as I need to do some further research to see if Mint offers an upgrade install or do I have to do a fresh install of Mint 22.1 ..... sure hope not this will be the first time I have installed a newer version of Mint and I don't relish the thought of installing all my none native Mint programs .....
You would not need to pay. Mint has been testing using a Fastly Service Repository for their users to download - allowing the Mint team to better manage high volume downloading to the global market.
Thank you .... I'll check into that and see how to set it up .... I didn't know Mint already had an account set up with Fastly ....
I'm busy now rereading all the info Mint put out on downloading Mint 22.1 ..... I found out they do have an upgrade feature .... thank god .... LOL
You scared me when you said that you had to pay for it!
Just give it a few days, there should be some instructions for the update, or you could download the ISO directly. Or just wait for a bit longer, newer releases tend to have small bugs that are fixed within the first few days of contact with the real world.
LOL .... not to worry I'm retired and live on SS so no way could I afford that price tag especially just for a 30 day use ....
For anyone wanted to try 22.1 and needs to use the upgrade rather than a fresh install hold off for a while ..... YouTubers are recommending this as Mint 22.1 is based on a much newer version of Ubuntu .....
There are still some bugs to work out .... as with any new version .... they claim you may loose a lot of your none native programs or you may experience major conflicts between these apps .....
I'm gonna wait as some may remember all the problems I had with Zorin when I upgraded from 16 to 17 .... without Aravisian's help to solve these problems I would never have figured it out .....
I understand a fresh install will be fine as most of the time these non-native programs are not installed anyway ....
All I can say is WOW ..... I just installed Mint 22.1 and I'm impressed on how easy it was ..... I wasn't going to switch so soon but I figured why not .... I had already downloaded the ISO yesterday .....
I received a message in my update manager this morning that Mint had a new version of 22 .... 22.1 so I did a complete disk save using Rescuezilla took all of about 20 min .... clicked on the upgrade apt they gave me to install Mint 22.1 and ..... nothing .....
It said I was not connected to the internet .... but I knew I was so I went into trouble shooting mode and a hour later still "not connected to the internet" ..... well I said .... %$@#&*^ ..... and gave up on it .... then it came to me ..... I'm still on Mint 22 Wayland (experimental) .... so I changed to Mint 22 Normal Mode .....
Several mins later Mint 22.1 was installed and running ..... none of the apts I had installed on Mint 22 had changed they were all there including my icons ... themes .... etc ....
Nothing has appeared to to be any different except the color of my taskbar and it is the default Cinnamon 6.4.6 dark black .... will change it later .....
I advice to anyone upgrading from Mint 22 Wilma to Mint 22.1 Xia is don't try it in Wayland ..... it won't upgrade ..... at least for me it wouldn't .....
One apt I found so far has some problems running Mint 2.1 on Wayland and that is XnView DE ..... unless a setting has changed in the apt when you hold down the shift key and select several pictures to preform a task like copy .... move .... delete etc. nothing happens .....
Usually you select the first photo then hold down the shift key go to the last photo and release the shift key and it will high lite all those chosen photos which you can then designate a task for them to do .....
Instead what it will do is jump to the last photo you selected and only high lite it cancelling all the others ..... which is irritating to say the least .....
It also moves the position of some notification boxes to different areas of you screen .... Proton VPN info box gets moved from the center of your screen to the top left hand corner ..... again probably not a deal changer but still irritating ....
I've noticed no problems with NVIDIA drivers I'm running 550. 120 the recommended driver for Mint 2.1 .....
I'm not on Wayland for the time being but when I try it again and find anything else I'll let you know .....
Thank you sir ..... I haven't done a complete testing of Wayland as the XnView problem was enough to turn me away from using it ..... it is my go go to apt for pictures ..... maybe when a newer version of XnView comes out it will play nice with Wayland .....