Issue using NextDNS

I'll right. I'll test those out later. Now I have a graphics issue to fix... my 2 other monitors no longer work

In this chat you passed from the NextDNS problem to the icon refresh, then to the output device, then to the Settings extensions (suggested by me :grin:) and now to the monitors problem. I think it's the first chat where we went too much off-topic, jumping from an issue to another. Maybe next time create a separated post per problem. For now let's try completing what we raised so far. What problems do you have specifically with your 2 monitors?

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Maybe we could switch to private message? If I were to create a thread for every single issue, I'd be flooding the forum.

@Aravisian Please mark this post closed so we no longer go off-topic :wink:

Going on private messages we'll not show a possible solution to others that may be interested in knowing it for them. You won't flood the forum, there are daily posts here on General Help, sometimes even more.


Has this issue been solved or declared unsolvable?

We can easily split off-topic posts to a new thread if needed.

@Luca_Pavan addressed this perfectly.
You can create as many threads as you need to get each issue resolved.
Public threads allow for many minds to review a problem and offer suggestions. It allows the benefit that other readers can use those suggestions.

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Alright, I'll make new posts in a moment about my other issues.

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Then I recommend leaving it open in case a solution is found.

If you guys are going off topic and feel posts need to be split, please specify the posts.

Everyone goes off topic once in a while...:stuck_out_tongue:


@Luca_Pavan I also found similar add-ons with the default File Explorer and Text Editor.

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Yes, many of the Zorin OS software has some which you can choose to install if you think you want such features.

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