I recently updated my Zorin OS from version 16 to 17.2, and I'm encountering some issues with video playback on YouTube and music playback for MP3 files.
I’ve already installed the Ubuntu Restricted Extras and the GStreamer plugins, but the problem persists. Videos won't play on YouTube, and MP3 files are not working as well.
Has anyone else experienced this issue after the update? Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated!
If you go into your sound settings in Settings and test your audio device from there, does any sound play or does nothing at all play? If nothing at all, we could check alsa-mixer and go from there.
Thanks for the suggestion! I didn’t realize the audio was coming through HDMI until I went to test the playback. When I switched to the headphone jack, everything started working perfectly—videos and music are playing fine now! This PC belongs to a colleague at work, so I wasn't sure about the HDMI usage before. I'm just glad it’s all fixed now!