It support but not working

Hello. I reading the Zorin support that motherboard.

also they are drivers. Wondering why not sound.
This version

How to install that.
Well propably some usb sound card but i have sound blaster then i will install in pci slot.

I think I posted a response on similar issue on forum. It is down to intel not lumping everything under HDA, so yet another result to try and kill off Windows competition! Wintel strikes again!

Yes we talking about that. I checked my cabinet and cable describe hd audio wasn't connected propably from front panel i put now soundblaster card and some fresh gpu pny with ddr6. Will need propably correct drivers and i will check the audio sound.

I propably killed my Zorin that command.
sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*' ...

easy to fix;

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525

This command crashed my Zorin.
I will trying repair from usb live.
Will trying search here on forum.
I seeing two grub debian and ubuntu.
After login it back to screen login.
You can testing that command on virtual machine.
I liked challenge.

Do you recall which driver you used (number?)

Before was gpu what used drivrs and it was 525. Then i changed to test gpu then uninstalled and it was 470x , then i put new gpu and after used that command and reboot it comes to tty1 and when i login then it loop to login again. Trying to recovery mode but it have info cannot load menu recovery. This command delete some 12GB files

Sounds you completely hose your system...

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Yeah. I need more understable comands propably this is language C or command in bash.

Well my idea is copy home folder and all important files and then install fresh installation Zorin.
Propably this is the best way i trying many commands with fsck but propably that command is good killing any distributions. Warning don;t use that command. It was something question:" Warning, Are you sure!".

Hei. Minne lydkort hvilken eg instalert pa datamaskinen jobba veldi bra. Foran og back panel virkle lyd.

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