KDE Connect not working in my laptop

I am using zorin os lite version, I want to connect my laptop with my android but it is not working in kde connect. Please guide me.

@NaveenKS117 , saying "it is not working" is a bit too vague. Please help us to help you by providing detailed information. At this point, we do not know whether you having trouble with it installing, whether you have the KDEConnect app installed on your phone, whether your firewall is enabled or if you allowed the ports for KDEConnect...

We put a lot of effort into our posts trying to help others. Please put in your part of the effort.

If Firewall is enabled:

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp

On your phone, launch KDEConnect app and tap the three dots icon on the right (not the hamburger icon on the left). Then Plugin Settings From here, enable access to your phone in the various settings that need it.

I proferred a tutorial on this (regarding firewall). GUFW (Gnome Uncomplicated FireWall) has rules you can add, including one for KDE connect to be allowed through, but as Aravisian has said, we need more information. Have had issues in Antix, but resolved by installing GUFW and adding the rule.

Whilst this was aimed at issues facing users with Zorin Connect, it should also assist users of KDE connect.

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Firewall, yes - had issues with this as well. Just wanted to try it out! Neat, but not for me. .

Also have observed cross-communication issues with 2.4GHz/5GHz on the same network. Kinda like: I'm on the 5GHz wireless and want to talk to my (old, don't have it now) printer on the 2.4GHz - wouldn't talk to it. After connecting to my 2.4GHz from the laptop, no issues.

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