Kdenlive is not working on 970 AMD Motherboard with 32gb memory?

Kdenlive is not working on 970 AMD Motherboard with 32gb memory? Is there something I need to configure for it; or is it Kdenlive software related? It appears that all other software is functioning. I did have a problem with gnome-software center that I needed to repair after following directions. I have not found adequate info to solve the Kdenlive issue. It has a basic Nvidia card with 2gb memory. Thanks for your help!

Can you please define what it is doing (or not doing) that is not working?

Well, when I select to turn on program it does nothing. It goes a moment or so and then nothing at all. I am using gnome desktop that comes with Zorin OS 16 Pro.

It is not launching? Or it launches but freezes?

It does not launch.

I tried installing latest software from Kdenlive web site. It is still not launching. Any suggestions?

Have you tried launching Kdenlive from terminal to see if any errors are listed in the terminal?

How is that accomplished? Thanks!

Open terminal with ctrl+alt+t


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