Keyboard and mouse(internal and external) unresponsive/not working at login screen after a supposed fix

We could’ve done a step by step problem deduction. Instead you bombarded me with a lot of questions and assumed that I have the knowledge and skills required to do all of that.

I do not know this LUKS encryption thing as I just installed everything based on a guide online and forgot about it.

I understand that being blocked from accessing your desktop is utterly frustrating and can be overwhelming.
If you can take and post a photo of your Login screen, that would help ensure which screen your keyboard stops working on (and that it is not, in fact, the LUKS password screen.)

You said and can confirm that you can use your keyboard at BIOS (able to enter BIOS settings, correct?)
And it works when you see the Grub Menu that shows

  • Zorin
  • Zorin on 6.5.0-45 (Recovery)

And that you could access recovery menu - Root Prompt, where you entered the command to reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all, correct?

In the above Grub Menu, do you see older kernels listed? For example:

  • Zorin on 6.4...
  • Zorin on 6.3...

If so, try selecting one of those (Not with recovery) and booting to see if keyboard works at login screen.

The keyboard works anywhere except at the login screen, and possibly beyond. I did try using the older version kernel but still didn’t work.

Ps I just woke up and trying to boot it up.
Pss I don’t know what site to use for uploading images as I can’t upload it since it says “1mb limit”.

And at last, thank you. This is the kind of response that I want and need. Not the mess above. Just keep it clean :hugs:.

Also, sorry for the attitude that is just who I am. Blunt and rude.

Ps I don’t know how this “ps” thing works. English is not my primary language nor did I study it properly.

I use
You also can use a photo editor like Pinta or Gimp to resize the image to be less than the upper forum image limit.

The first 2 images are comparisons of unplugging and replugging the ethernet cable. The third is the mouse pointer that I mentioned in the og post.

I apologize for the horrendous image quality. This is taken in cloudy morning.

Going back a step, when you used the media to install Zorin, presumably you used the Notebook's keyboard to install Zorin. Can you possibly boot using the install media, open a terminal (Menu | Utilities | Terminal and enter:

sudo lshw -v

Then copy and paste the output to:

One last thought, is your keyboard a standar QWERTY keyboard or is the keyboard geared to your language? If a language specific keyboard what language? This might be a possible issue, just some random thought.

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The command with -v you gave seems to be unsupported and threw a help page so I ran it without that.

Yes, I did use both external and internal keyboard, and is also using standard English Qwerty in hardware and software.

OK, -v should have instigated 'verbose' output!
Having done a little more searching and because you appear to have a dual boot setup, can you first try going into the BIOS and ensure that USB is set to Legacy mode and save changes on exiting BIOS.

If this is not possible solution, when you get to the login prompt can you get to a tty screen by using Ctrl+ Alt+ F3?
If you can login as your username with your password, then:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all

and having just seen the xorg command reminds me that Zorin defaults to Wayland! aaaarrrrrgghhhh!

So before entering that command (if you can), disable Wayland by
following my guide here:

then run that xorg command given above.

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I am not sure what you meant by setting legacy mode on usb. If you mean compatibility support module(csm) then I cannot do that as I don’t want to break windows 10.

As I’ve stated, keyboard and mouse is unresponsive at login so I can’t even go to another tty. However, I can disable gdm service(using recovery mode) and login using tty.

Even after disabling wayland, it still doesn’t work.


I wiggled my mouse and saw the mouse pointer move before it doesn’t respond. And then it just respawns on the same area I mentioned. It’s still the same as before, unresponsive.

If you boot from the live media and select Try Zorin, use this guide to edit the GRUB file:

When you have changed to the drive that contains Zorin at the terminal, use the reinstall devices command I posted earlier. I don't think changing the BIOS to Legacy should affect your Windows 10. It is easy enough to change back if it does cause an issue.

There is a bootloader repair app in the livecd that does the same thing you have suggested. Why use the complicated way?

And as I’ve said, it’s not a bootloader issue.

This is not a bootloader repair post.

Since you ran fsck, there may be file corruption: You should reinstall essential O.S. software, including the kernel. If you need to update grub after and cannot use the keyboard, using Live CD to access and update the Grub file, then update grub is the only way.

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The bootloader however could be corrupt. The bootloader includes running all the commands for all devices. In the good old days you would see [OK] after each bootloading element passed the checks, so I disagree partly that it is not a bootloader issue.

I have done the repairs you suggested but still nothing.

I think the bootloader is a dead end and should look elsewhere. How about the weird mouse behavior I mentioned earlier?

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Did you do that?
Did keyboard and mouse work normally running from Live USB?

Yes, everything is normal under liveusb.

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Looking back. You have ZorinOS 17 installed (using the install alongside option I assume) as dual-boot with Windows10.
Was Zorin Core working properly, with the keyboard and mouse, before that fatal "Boot" which you interrupted by pressing the power button?

Note: Sorry for more questions, but as we are not sitting in front of your PC, that's the only way we can work out what has happened. I am just trying to confirm your Zorin17Core .iso was good (i.e. SHA256 checksum matched published value) and that the created Live USB is not curruped or faulty from the outset.

As I understand. You can currentky boot to Grub menu and use keyboard to select options from that menu OK.
When ZorinOS Core boots to Login Screen, then your keyboard and mouse are then unresponsive.
If you have only just installed ZorinOS Core (I don't know if that is true or not), would you consider doing a re-install? (back up your stuff first).