Lack of icons for XFCE

I'm back on Xfce after several days of destroying my panel due to trying to install additional icons sets .... what a disaster .... I even fowled up my Gnome panel in the process of installing different icons sets .... it seems that when you install multiple DE's on Zorin they are all connected somehow in someway .... what I messed up in one carried over to the other one .... but anyway for now all three are running OK ....

I'm really disappointed at the lack of icon sets available for Xfce .... Pling has lots of themes but only one icon set that I have found .... in fact they don't even list icons separately only as themes ....

If anyone knows where to get icon sets for Xfce please let me know ....

Mr storm .... while searching Pling for icon sets I came across your Shades of Z series which mentions it will work on Xfce .... so I downloaded all of them but when I extracted and moved the folder to the .icons folder and then opened it up in Settings/Appearance/Icons I get this (see photo below) which by the way is on all of you beautiful icon sets .....

What does it mean "no cache file" and how do I do the recommendation the listed .... I tried but nothing happened .... what do you suggest ..... ??????? .... :face_with_head_bandage:

It's because I never came around to make it work for XFCE.

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OK thank you sir .... I was just curious as it stated that it would now work on Xfce .... catch you later ..... :stuck_out_tongue: