List of apps freezes in default zorin layout

Using ZorinPro with latest update on desktop StarLabs machine since Dec 2024. I did change to X11 instead of Wayland and this helped somewhat (gave me another minute or two of scrolling through the apps) but hovering, scrolling through the apps when using this theme etc again freezes the machine. The layout doing this is the very top left "windows look-alike" theme (Zorin default I think?). I'm using now the left 3rd down "mac look-alike" and this does not happen. Any other settings to make this issue go away?

Welcome to the Forum!

A couple of Questions first:

  • What are Your Hardware Specs?
  • What Graphics do You have?
  • If Nvidia: What Driver is installed?
  • How are Resolution and Refresh Rate set up?
  • Is Fractional Scaling active?

Do You that in the Zorin Start Menu, the App Grid or where?

Hello, I'll attach a screenshot of the hardware but I don't know where to find the "Resolution and Refresh Rate setup" or "Fractional Scaling active" (I don't know what those are) I don't think I have Nvidia. And this happens just in that one theme (that I know of, have not tried all the themes) and from the Zorin Start Menu apps (the App Grid works ok in the 3rd theme I'm using for now). thank you

For this, go to Settings>Displays

here is a screenshot for this, the NightLight is off (have been using an old version of IRIS for linux instead to change the

screen for eyes protection), using an old Samsung S24E310 monitor.

You state you are using an old version of IRIS. Wondering if this is conflicting with your issue, cause of issue. Try uninstalling IRIS and use Night Light instead.

You can set the Night Light to manual so if you want it all day you can set it like this:

Screenshot of a VM of Zorin 17 so night light won't show proper effect as accessing host video card.

Hello, I have experimented with NightLight and I think it only changes the color. IRIS changes the flickering problems of monitors (along with various color schemes), their program is far more robust in Windows but I'm a Zorin user now but really nearly "need" the IRIS real functions for my eyes. Hmm. I contacted the computer company StarLab early on about the freezing issue and they said was an Zorin operating system problem and subsequent updates might resolve it so I picked another theme with app grid instead and finally thought to just ask about this. thank you

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