Long Gnome startup time

Hi. I upgraded to Zorin Core 17 when the upgrade from 16 came available, and it's been mostly fine. The past week however, Gnome decided to take a minute or longer to start up after logging in (with the default login screen).
I've reinstalled my Nvidia-drivers, reinstalled zorin-os-desktop, removed all the config/cache files for Gnome I could find, and the reconfigured it to look alright again.
Still, Gnome takes a very long time to start up after logging in.
Is there anyone who could help me fix this?

After boot Have a look in terminal, with:

systemd-analyze blame

It will show what's slowing down your boot times.

1 Like

I ran the command, and this is a list of the first 30 entries, ranked from big to small:

8.015s plymouth-quit-wait.service
6.967s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
2.297s postgresql@16-main.service
1.506s snapd.service
1.474s postfix@-.service
1.098s docker.service
1.066s gpu-manager.service
 743ms fwupd.service
 661ms mariadb.service
 575ms nmbd.service
 384ms dev-nvme1n1p4.device
 334ms dev-loop1.device
 334ms dev-loop3.device
 334ms dev-loop0.device
 334ms dev-loop2.device
 334ms dev-loop6.device
 334ms dev-loop18.device
 334ms dev-loop4.device
 334ms dev-loop7.device
 334ms dev-loop5.device
 333ms dev-loop26.device
 333ms dev-loop15.device
 333ms dev-loop19.device
 333ms dev-loop16.device
 333ms dev-loop25.device
 333ms dev-loop21.device
 333ms dev-loop23.device
 332ms dev-loop24.device
 332ms dev-loop14.device
 332ms dev-loop17.device

Counting all the numbers together, it reported 38.895s

I've found online that the plymouth-quit-wait.service shouldn't be a problem, as it waits for the computer to boot while showing the splash-screen. I've disabled Postgresql as I don't need it for now.

yes, same for the NetworkManager-wait-online.service

the thing that's bothering me is all the dev-loop.devices.

Have you got a lot of snaps installed?

snap list

Not a lot no:

Name                         Version                     Rev    Tracking       Publisher       Notes
bare                         1.0                         5      latest/stable  canonical**     base
bottom                       0.9.6                       767    latest/stable  kz6fittycent    -
core18                       20231027                    2812   latest/stable  canonical**     base
core20                       20240111                    2182   latest/stable  canonical**     base
core22                       20240111                    1122   latest/stable  canonical**     base
cups                         2.4.7-3                     1024   latest/stable  openprinting**  -
discord                      0.0.44                      179    latest/stable  snapcrafters*   -
gnome-3-28-1804              3.28.0-19-g98f9e67.98f9e67  198    latest/stable  canonical**     -
gnome-3-34-1804              0+git.3556cb3               93     latest/stable  canonical**     -
gnome-3-38-2004              0+git.efb213a               143    latest/stable  canonical**     -
gnome-42-2204                0+git.ff35a85               141    latest/stable  canonical**     -
gtk-common-themes            0.1-81-g442e511             1535   latest/stable  canonical**     -
httpie                       3.2.2                       474    latest/stable  jakubroztocil   -
kf5-5-108-qt-5-15-10-core22  5.108                       5      latest/stable  kde**           -
slack                        4.36.140                    132    latest/stable  slack**         -
snapd                        2.61.2                      21184  latest/stable  canonical**     snapd
spotify                   75     latest/stable  spotify**       -
thunderbird                  115.8.1-2                   450    latest/stable  canonical**     -

I'll disable NetworkManager as well

OK NetworkManager-wait-online.service should be fine.

Reboot and test again...

the dev-loop.devices are for each snap i believe.

Yes, that's what I meant, my apologies for the confusion. I'll reboot once inkscape is built :see_no_evil:

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Hope its not a Snap :rofl:

Quick question:
Is it slow to boot - Or Gnome slow to load?

Gnome is slow to load. I think about 10-15s to get to the login-screen, then like a minute for getting to the desktop.

I agree, that sounds like Gnome, rather than boot.
The analyze-blame lists the overlapping times, not the total times, so adding them all up together is not going to be accurate since the reported times are non-sequential.

Can you please try reconfiguring GDM3?

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

I've rebooted with the above-mentioned services disabled, and with dpkg-reconfigure gdm3.
There was no difference, still had to wait a long time.
Btw, switching to tty3 and back to tty1 (with ctrl+alt+f1/3) doesn't help either.

Shutting down also takes remarkably longer then it used to, can that be from the same source as Gnome starting up slowly?

You can use journalctl -b to check your boot log. To see your last boots log, run

journalctl -b -1

journalctl -b -1 doesn't give the most recent ones, but the normal journalctl (without flags) does work:

mrt 10 21:00:53 ROG systemd[3767]: Started Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
mrt 10 21:00:53 ROG systemd[3767]: Started Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
mrt 10 21:00:53 ROG geoclue[4217]: Service not used for 60 seconds. Shutting down..
mrt 10 21:00:53 ROG systemd[1]: geoclue.service: Deactivated successfully.
mrt 10 21:01:53 ROG systemd[3767]: Started Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
mrt 10 21:02:16 ROG acvpnagent[1254]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 289 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL
mrt 10 21:02:16 ROG acvpnagent[1254]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 289 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL
mrt 10 21:02:16 ROG acvpnagent[1254]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 289 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL
mrt 10 21:02:16 ROG acvpnagent[1254]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 289 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL
mrt 10 21:02:16 ROG acvpnagent[1254]: Function: GetSettings File: ../../vpn/Agent/ServicePluginMgr.cpp Line: 289 m_pIServicePlugin is NULL
mrt 10 21:02:17 ROG systemd[1]: Starting Download data for packages that failed at package install time...
mrt 10 21:02:17 ROG systemd[1]: update-notifier-download.service: Deactivated successfully.
mrt 10 21:02:17 ROG systemd[1]: Finished Download data for packages that failed at package install time.
mrt 10 21:02:18 ROG dbus-daemon[1169]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.timedate1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service' requested by ':1.45' (uid=0 pid=1208 comm="/usr/>
mrt 10 21:02:18 ROG systemd[1]: Starting Time & Date Service...
mrt 10 21:02:18 ROG dbus-daemon[1169]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.timedate1'
mrt 10 21:02:18 ROG systemd[1]: Started Time & Date Service.
mrt 10 21:02:18 ROG snapd[1208]: storehelpers.go:791: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "bare", "bottom", "core18", "core20", "core22", "cups", "discord", "gnome-3-28-1804", "gnome-3-34-1804", ">
mrt 10 21:02:48 ROG systemd[1]: systemd-timedated.service: Deactivated successfully.

Are you dual booting with Windows OS?

Yes I am (and actually even Arch on seperate SSD)

With Windows OS, ensure Fast Startup or Fast Boot is disabled in the Control Panel > Power options.
Also, please be sure to check that it fully shuts down before booting Zorin OS or Arch as windows will actually hibernate and retain control over the motherboard...

In terminal can you run
systemctl --user status xdg-desktop-portal.service
and look for how much time passes between starting... and started

Have you tested logging in on X11 desktop (Xorg) instead of Wayland? You might test this while repeating the command above giving numbers to compare against.

The problem now has solved itself, I don't really know what caused it =(

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