I'm a long time Linux Mint user, 10 years plus.
Only recently I discovered Zorin, but I only ever used it in Virtualbox. I admit, I was not too impressed. Too "Ubuntu-e". Rather restrictive and sluggish, even given 8G of ram in a VM.
Roll eyes.....
Anyway, I like to upcycle older machines that no longer perform well using Windows 10+
So, recently, I grabbed a machine from the electrics bin at work. This had a broken battery hatch, no case screws and minus a HDD. A dull thing, an HP-Laptop-15-bw0xx. But still, an amazing find from the IT departments rejects.
So, some fiddling around, installing a meagre 128gb SSD and an 8gb ram upgrade, also some gorilla tape and spare screws, fixed!
Voila! A capable machine!
Or, at least I thought, until I installed Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon from scratch (kernel 5.15.0-83), then ran the updates, which installed the kernel update 5.15.0-91.
What a PIG!
It would not accept the kernel update without running at 99% CPU, stalling and freezing on Youtube, then showing a hugely disturbed screen, in a weird broken matrix style, all purple, black and green. Pfffffffff!
This, I must mention, has happened on three other machines lately with that kernel, but funnily enough, it resolved itself when I ran them either in fallback mode or software rendering. After which they have never flickered since (still puzzled).
But, this machine stubbornly refused to play nicely whatever kernel version I tried.
Well, I had spent £14 on an 8g ram card. Damn it!
So I refused to give up.
A spare 4gb USB stick and one Zorin 17 ISO later, and this old wreck is running beautifully. Shame about the onboard webcam though, it is absolute trash.
A fair bit of brain stretching ensued. What a breath of fresh air this exercise has been.
So I've been setting this machine up for about 4 days now (about 8 hours of messing about), and finally, I am happy(ish) with it.
The only thing I have a gripe with is the file manager Nautilus.
Why????? It's a pile of.....
Personally I prefer Nemo, with its customisation, buried in "preferences". But as they say, "Beggars can't be choosers".
I tried installing Nemo as a secondary file manager, which worked, until I found that it borked the update manager. But, one Timeshift later and sorted to back to the default manager.
(Hmmmm....I'm not to sure about replacing Nautilus with Nemo, it's above my pay-grade). Any ideas?
Zorin 17 has found a place in my heart and a new home.
Even my dad cannot go wrong with this machine as a replacement, when his Windows 11 goes pear-shaped, again.
Here's a big "thank you" for the OS, and, a Happy New Year!