Mac Trackpad/Keyboard Freeze During Install of Zorin 16.2

Trying to install Zorin 16.2 from my USB-C thumb drive onto a 2019 MacBook Pro (specs attached as image).

Everything seems right until I get the initial install window (where you select language and install type).

I can see the clock ticking, so system doesn't seem frozen. However, I can't get the trackpad or keyboard to respond. Unable to navigate using arrow buttons, return key or with trackpad. No response from any other keys.

Any insights or recommendations welcome. Thanks!

Recommend using rEFInd to install on MacBooks:

Thanks. Not really a techie. According to the link, looks like I should run this script in Terminal on my Mac. Right?


What should I expect after running it? How will this help my Zorin boot/install?

Apple / Mac are proprietary and closed source. Their hardware is specifically built for their closed source systems. While Linux is well adapted to IBM-general machines, even the Microsoft Surface notebooks also need additional configuring to run Linux.
And strangely, Apple is more proprietary than Microsoft is...

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