Macbook pro 2011

I am using Windows 10 in VMWare on Zorin.
I do have 3D acceleration on Windows 10.

What I learn is that many people disable the gpu to use Intel graphic only

lsmod | grep radeon

You can also check if anything is blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

I wonder if you need to check mesa and Vulkan.

yface@myface-MacBookPro:~$ lsmod | grep radeon
radeon 1474560 18
drm_ttm_helper 16384 1 radeon
ttm 73728 2 radeon,drm_ttm_helper
i2c_algo_bit 16384 2 radeon,i915
drm_kms_helper 237568 2 radeon,i915
drm 548864 11 drm_kms_helper,radeon,drm_ttm_helper,i915,ttm

Any luck checking the blacklist?
What is tricky about both Intel and AMD drivers is that they both are included in the kernel.
While Intel is pretty good about this, AMD leaves something to be desired.

I cannot help but think we may chase our own tails pursuing drivers. Rather, we may need to modprobe the existing drivers in the kernel.

On Mint forum, they saying that I can not install Mint without disable the GPU on 2011 Macbook Pro. The give long line of codes. I did not disable GPU and Mint, Zorin boot and install. That is the reason for my suspicion that my GPU is disable.

I have Z16 core running on a machine just like yours but I've disabled the AMD GPU as it doesnt work anymore. Only using the integrated GPU from intel. I cant tell you how to disable it by GRUB, that's the way i did it, in case it might help you at least to check if you can mirror to an external monitor.

Thanks. What I have to do. If I disable the GPU will my external monitor work?. Someone said that the amd gpu controll the external monitor

this is possible if you have Two Ports on the computer and only one belongs to the Intel graphics and only one belongs to the radeon card.

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I use display port with cable conversion to hdmi. There is firesomething (do not know much about mac).Ethernet port, 2 usb and card port

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Give me some minutes, I will try to connect an external monitor and see if it works, havent tried yet. I know that on Mac Os, using an external monitor would always turn on the AMD GPU but mine is dead so only HD3000 is working.


Like I said, I do not know if my gpu is working and running on Intel only. When I plug external monitor is display the wallpaper but no icons. It will not mirror - hardware not supported

Does that look like this?
Screenshot from 2021-12-12 20-25-55

Yes. Like in that picture

@Aravisian seems to be right, my display port doesnt fire up the external monitor. I want to check as well for myself :), this was a good excuse. Most probably the display port is only controlled by the dedicated GPU. @janusz if you get image the AMD should be fine, the question being if Ubuntu can deal correctly with both GPUs.

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Mint display on external when I plug in, but not on internal. When I unplug then I have to reboot to get internal working. You may be right -dealing with both gpu. My have to go back to Mint, but not too crazy about. Should I try light display like xfce?

My option is to just use as laptop to keep Zorin. The GPU will burn some day anyway. I am surprise that lasted that long.

I burned 2 logic boards in this mac since 2011, it has been always the Radeon GPU. Same with my previous macbook pro 15 from 2008. Only my old Powerbook from 2003 is working without an issue :slight_smile:

Well, I installed the Zorin Pro and everything works well. Had home graphic issue, but that was my mistake. Switch to single display and all works good.

Marked solution. 62