Macbook Pro 2017 no touchbar. No sound

I installed Zorin os on my macbook pro for the second time. I love everything about zorin and would like to use it but there is one problem, there is no sound. I read on the forum that there was software to download named Pulse Audio. I tried fixing that, but it didn't work. There was another route via the command line by using Alsamixer, and that didn't work at all.

Zorin OS sees my speakers and plays them at 100 percent capacity but yet is at mute. The two mentioned potential solutions produced no results. Is there any other solution aside from uninstalling the system?

Would you mind linking the solutions you tried? I understand you mentioned Pulse Audio and Alsamixer but it would help us to see what the exact steps were with each of these before we recommend anything further.
Could you also let us know if this is Core or Lite?