Making an Arm version

jgordon, welcome to the Zorin Forum.

To quote Azorin from the old forum thread here: Future of 32bit support zorinos Lite? - Old Zorin Forum archive
I quote:

However, with the end of one architecture, there comes a new one. Work is ongoing and – while we aren't able to make any certain promises about it yet – we're confident that we'll introduce support for a new architecture in time for the release of Zorin OS 16: ARM. It's increasingly looking like ARM will be the next logical step for computer processors thanks to some of its technical advantages over x86: it can be more powerful, more energy-efficient, and can make computers far more affordable.
The first ARM device we plan to officially support will be the Raspberry Pi 4. There's been a lot of progress this year on getting Linux (and Ubuntu-based distros especially) working snappy and smoothly on the RPi 4 while supporting a full desktop workload. The best part is that the Raspberry Pi 4 (and many computers like it) cost as little as $35.
One of the main things that motivated us to focus on ARM devices – and especially low-cost ones like the RPi4 – is to make computers accessible and useful in the developing world. So far, the Raspberry Pi 4 (and the Linux distributions made for it) have generally been aimed at computer tinkerers and beginner programmers, and it's become a tremendous platform for these use cases. By porting Zorin OS Lite and Education Lite to the Raspberry Pi 4, we're aiming to make it into a great general-purpose computing platform and educational resource for people who never had access to a computer before.