Microsoft OneDrive

Le sujet à été abordé plusieurs fois sur le forum pour des versions antérieures mais sans réelle solution.

Avez vous une solution pour synchroniser One Drive avec ZorinOs 17Pro?

Merci à tous.

The topic has been discussed several times on the forum for previous versions but without any real solution.

Do you have a solution to synchronize One Drive with ZorinOs 17Pro?

Thanks to you

In GNOME Software there are onedrive-cli and sFTP Client. This last one doesn't have Microsoft OneDrive support but one day will.

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Why anyone would want to save to a spyware company like Microsoft i will never know! I much prefer


To me the important is that companies don't share users' sensitive content. Just to say for me, Google can share all my info about my Google Drive content with its thousands of partners if they want to, the important thing is that they don't share what I want to be absolutely private :wink:. It's just an example, I don't really have anything so sensitive or embarrassing on my online accounts :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:.

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Merci pour cette information

Il existe certains utilitaires que vous pouvez essayer. Jetez un coup d'œil à ceci :

Et cette interface graphique recommandée à la fin de la discussion :

There are certain utilities that you can try. Please take a look at this:

And this GUI recommended at the end of the thread:

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J'ai téléchargé via le store onedrive cli, mais elle apparaît pas dans mes applications.

I downloaded via the onedrive cli store, but it doesn't appear in my apps

InSync is a paid for product, but it might do what you need and they have a Linux version. They have a free trial I believe.