Microsoft Teams not working

I am trying to install Microsoft Teams on Zorin OS Core version 17.2 but am having issues where the teams for linux from github (GitHub - IsmaelMartinez/teams-for-linux: Unofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux client) but am getting a "Something went wrong" when i sign in....

Does anyone have any experience and can help with this issue?

Try start it via the terminal because that error could be anything.

So after running it from terminal i do get an error:

Also here is the debug log:

boris@boris-LOQ-15ARP9:~$ teams-for-linux --webDebug
No config file found, using default values
all good with appLogLevels you aren't using them
Initialising logger with config: {"transports":{"console":{"level":"info"},"file":{"level":false}}}
00:00:48.225 › configPath: /home/boris/.config/teams-for-linux
[13501:0123/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: This method is not implemented
[13501:0123/000049.295912:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000049.296139:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
00:00:51.347 › assignOnDidFailLoadEventHandler : {} - -3 - 
[13501:0123/000051.876009:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000051.876057:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000100.437070:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000100.437111:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000119.223302:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[13501:0123/000119.223344:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)

I see that you filed a bug on their github. Excellent.

The error you show does not look like it should crash it, though I could be wrong.

If you remove the directory from your home folder ~/.config/Microsoft, then launch the Application, does it work?

You can find .config by tapping ctl+h while viewing your home directory.

Yes, i opted to open a bug on the github since it is the main git for it.
I am trying the ctrl+h but am not seeing a .config.
Can you perhaps provide a screenshot or something so i know what to look for?
Thank you in advance

Using ~/.config/ shows no results found

Try ( that is an L S ):

ls ~/.config

I use nemo file manager, whereas you are using nautilus.
That said, I can guarantee you that ctl+h shows and hides the "hidden system files" that are stored in the users home directory.
Maybe you are hitting rightctl and it must be leftctl?

Alright, i managed to find it... just had to type .config and it showed... not sure what happened there.
Also did not have a Microsoft folder, so no luck there....

I just looked into this and read it has been discontinued in favor of the web browser version...
They did create a flatpak for it:

There is a snap, too. I would not go that route...

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Problem is, i get the same error on every browser i tried (Firefox, Chrome and even Edge)....
But thank you very much!

Hmmm really...
Does your terminal output for


show your proper date and time?

Yes it does, mind you it's in cyrillics for day:

Local time: чет 2025-01-23 02:00:22 CET
Universal time: чет 2025-01-23 01:00:22 UTC
RTC time: чет 2025-01-23 01:00:22
Time zone: Europe/Belgrade (CET, +0100)
System clock synchronized: yes
NTP service: active
RTC in local TZ: no

Do you have firewall enabled?


I didn't have the firewall enabled.... just noticed that cool.
But it is pinging it.

Edit: Tried to log into teams after enabling firewall, still same....

Have you cleared your browser cache completely? Maybe the git app relies on that.

Are you using a VPN?
Do you use several extensions in the Browsers you tried?

Welcome to the Forum!

If that Version don't work, you could try the Flatpak Version. It is available in Gnome Software. They also offer an AppImage on there Github Releases Page.

I tried all that and nothing works, not using VPN and disabled extensions on my browsers...
Also i see movement on my Issue ticket on Git, so i'll go check that out, thank you for all your help.

So as of right now the option to use the link from my email/calendar worked SOMEHOW.... not even sure what happened.... 25 mins ago it didn't work...
Update is that it now works from the link itself, i am still having issues with the app and the web version.

It looks like the developer from this project has identified this as a bug caused by Microsoft. I don't think there's much you can do about it until there's a definitive fix...