Migrating a ZorinOS installation to new device (different board/CPU/GPU...)

Hello, at the moment I'm very happy with my Zorin devices, but I'm sure the time will come when I'll need to set up a new desktop PC.

Having left behind the days in which I liked to tinker myself, I usually buy new PC as a bundle (case, board+CPU, GPU, RAM) and just move my drives over.

So I'm wondering: Is it possible to just take my current drives, cram them into a new PC and have Zorin figure out the rest (new board + CPU, GPU, etc.), or would I have to do a complete reinstall of everything? Since I'm using ZorinOS for music production and depending on Bottles/wine and virtual instruments installed within, that would take a while to get it all set up again I figure, so I'd prefer to avoid that :)))

It can work. Look at this Thread:

But You should prepare a Back-Up and a Live USB Stick just in Case. What there could be a Point is what Hardware You will use and what Kernel is installed at this Time and if the Kernel supports this Hardware.


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